Hallucinator's Home Page :)
This site is currently under construction

This is The Hallucinator, and my page will include some of my favourite
Such as Simpsons, Southpark, Garfield, and
You don't need to read this AT ALL, but I just want to write it anyways. I'm
just going to blab on and on and on about nothing, like absolutely nothing. I'm
just writing this here so that I seem like I have a lot to say, but I actually
don't, so that's all. If you're still reading this, then you must be very bored.
Why don't you just skip all this reading and go straight to my cartoons page,
cause I'll go on forever saying nothing, so it's wise for you to go to the
cartoons page. Stop reading! Stop! I mean it... Stop it, NOW! Go to my cartoons
page, NOW!!! Okay, fine, I'll leave you alone...

Click here to go to my cartoon page!

Here are some of my favorite links!
This is my favourite radio station in Vancouver!
U R da
th loony!
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