Hello. Welcome to my As The World Turns page. I haven't been watching As The World Turns for long, but I have been watching it off and on for three years now. The purpose of this page is to keep you up-to-date on what is happening on the show. This page will be updated every week or whenever an As The World Turns episode airs. (I am sorry that it hasn't been updated for a while...I contribute that to school.) Also included in this site is a past episode guide. (I am working on updates such as pictures and character/actor bios. Please be patient.) Please feel free to e-mail me with any comments that you may have. Who knows! I may publish some comments on my page in the future. Now, enjoy the site.
Molly and Holden are happy to be reunited with Abigail at Lily and Holden's house. While Holden and Abigail are in the stables, Chris delivers something for Lily from Kim. Molly is nervous about it. Abigail drops by Al's Diner to get something she forgot and then she sees Chris...Chris is comforting Katie over Margo's situation. Abigail gets the wrong idea and thinks Katie and Chris are a couple. Katie visits Chris and overhears Chris and Molly talk about their affair. The revelation surprises her, but she knows the information could be very useful...as in blackmail. At WOAK, the anchor quits before airtime and Katie hopes to take her place. Holden brings in Molly to do the job, but Katie thinks now is the time to tell others what she knows about Molly and Chris. Katie decides to tell Kim that her son has been sleeping with Molly. Tom tells Margo he'll support her, but Margo thinks her secret about her sleeping with Alec will come out. Jack tells Carly he loves her and that he'll be there for her. Camille comes to John's aid when his life is in danger.
Andy comes back to Oakdale. Jake returns from Europe and offers to take the blame for shooting Alec. Julia worries about Jake returning to work so soon after Vicky's accident. Chris doesn't get Abigail's message to pick her up.
I am trying to start a links page. So if you have a page that has to do with As The World Turns or any other soap opera, e-mail me the address along with your first name(s). Thanks.
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