Welcome to my class!

COMP 485

These are the topics that we discussed in class.

Week Date Topic
Week 16 5/6/2008
Summary of presentations
Week 15 4/29/2008
Heuristic Evaluation of high fidelity profile /br>Summary of presentations
Week 14 4/22/2008
Heuristic Evaluation of high fidelity profile
Week 13 4/15/2008
contribution of Heuristic Evaluation
Week 12 4/8/2008
contribution on the high fidelity prototype
Week 11 4/1/2008
contribution of week10 activity, including the references that you consulted.
Week 10 3/25/2008
contribution on ÒWhat your group will prototypeÓ /a>
Week 9 3/18/2008
Spring Break
Week 8 3/13/2008 Second Day of CSUN Conference
3/12/2008 First Day of CSUN Conference
Week 7 3/06/2008 18 - 21 requirement for food planer
3/04/2008 7 - 9 requirement for food planer
Week 6 2/26/2008 Second draft requirement for food planer
2/26/2008 Group member
Week 5 2/21/2008 inclass activity requirement for food planer
2/19/2008 Choosing the project
Week 4 2/14/2008 The Bridge between COMP 380 and COMP 485
2/14/2008 COMP 380 Project
2/12/2008 Verbal Nonverbal Comunication
2/12/2008 Activities 5.1, 5.3, and 5.5
2/12/2008 Observe User Action
Week 3 2/7/2008 Activities 4.4 & 4.6
2/7/2008 The summary of chapter 4 & 5
2/5/2008 User observation
Week 2 1/31/2008 conceptual model
1/29/2008 Calendar conceptual model
Week 1 1/24/2008 Summary of the article Conceptual Model
1/24/2008 good & bad interaction
last update Wednessday March 14, 2008 by Nutsiri Kidkul