Thanks to his well-publicized faith in a higher power, Jonathan Jackson is apparently quite angelic
in real life. But the past few months have had him playing a little devil. As of late, Jackson's character has been something of a terrible teen, running away from home and rebelling against his parents Luke and Laura.
For Jackson, 16, Lucky's personality twist has been exciting to play. The young actor already has two Emmy Awards under his belt and, thanks to his current dramatic storyline, is almost a shoo-in for a nomination next year. But it's also made things awkward. "It's always fun acting with Genie Francis (Laura) and Anthony Geary (Luke) no matter what I'm doing, because I get along with them off-camera as well," says Jackson.
"But at the same time, it's not always fun to wake up in the morning and think, 'Oh, great, I've got to do these scenes where
I'm beating up on somebody I really care about," he admits. "It can really drain you. And it's more difficult when you have a personal relationship with them." Still, he says, his on-camera attitude problem hasn't affected his real-life dealings with Francis and Geary.
"We don't carry that stuff off the set," he explains. "I still get along with them and enjoy working with them."
Soap Opera Update, September 1
Although he only recently got his driver's license, Jonathan Jackson freely admits that "I drove stick shift when I was really young. [My parents] would take me out on country road and let me practice a little bit back when we lived in Washington. And my sister, Candice, would let me drive her car once in a while in a safe place." So it's no surprise that Jonathan aced his driver's test. "I passed everything the first time," he says, noting that he wasn't even duped by an obstacle placed in the middle of the road test. "There was this big semi truck that was blocking a stop sign. I saw it at the last second and slammed on my brakes. My instructor told me that a few people had failed because they hadn't seen it and didn't stop." Since acquiring his license, Jonathan has embarked on his first major road trip. I drove to San Jose when my sister graduated [from college]. It was a long, five-hour drive." His parents weren't nervous about letting their youngest son take to the road solo. "They were really cool with it. They've already been through two other kids getting their licenses. And they know I'm really the most cautious of the three."
Soap Opera Weekly, August 25
What do you worry about?
"I worry everthing about nothing." What role were you born to play?
If you could live in any era,
which one would you choose?
and it looked great
on any figure. Who cares if it didn't feel good?"
What attracts you to a man?
What would people be surprised
to know about you?
On July 23, Jonathan Jackson and his mom, Jeanine, were on a commercial flight from Burbank Airport to their home in Washington State, when tragedy almost struck. "We were taking off, and right before we got in the air, we heard these loud, banging noises," reports the relieved Jackson. "It sounded like the engine was trying to work, but couldn't. We knew something was wrong because it kept doing that when we got into the air. Then we started smelling smoke, which was pretty scary. The panicked flight attendant yelled over the intercom, 'Put your heads down, and grab you ankles!' I just stuck my head down and prayed my butt off, conjuring up every prayer I could think of." Despite fire shooting out of the engine, the plane landed safely and the Jacksons were rerouted onto another aircraft. Jackson later learned that a bird had become lodged in the engine. As previously reported, Jackson's future with GH has also been precariously up in the air recently. He admits it would be difficult to leave his GH family. "I'm having a great time working with Becky [Herbst, Elizabeth]," he says. "I've had the most fun this past year than I've had ever. Not being involved in the [Spencer] family as much has given me a chance to carry more of a storyline." Fortunately, the well-grounded Jackson is alive and well, to make whatever decision he ultimately chooses. Whew!
Soap Opera Digest, August 18
Road Rules Jonathan had warning for the California Highway Patrol. "I got my driver's license a couple of months ago," he laughed. "So, watch out."
All information taken from various soap magazines,
no copyright infringements intended.
I am in no way affiliated with Jonathan Jackson
or Becky Herbst--Just a Big Fan!