The X-Files

This site has the most frequently updated and complete news, including season 7 spoilers, movie sequel info, merchandise, and series news. You will also find an in-depth and award-winning explanation of the mythology, or the show's plot and conspiracy. You can even find the Internet's largest and most complete archive of media and pictures of merchandise from the X-Files movie last summer. And there is a highly informative information source on the movie, including all the official sites and pages for merchandise, etc.; all the official taglines, contests, and offers; cut scenes; and much much more. Other sections include a highly accurate and complete listing of episode titles, including foreign, previous, and alternate titles, air dates, corresponding novelization titles, and more. Also there is an archive of media from the series, including print ads not on the official site, those fake milk ads, fun pictures, and more.

This site (until recently called simply "The X-Files" or "The X-Files Movie") started out as an X-Files movie site a week after it came out! It was a great way to bridge the 5th and 6th seasons of the show. It had a lot of hype, especially for us X-philes, and it lived up to it. But one of the greatest aspects of the movie was the anticipation. This site covered every part of what led up to the movie, such as ads and posters, and what came after, such as the various types of merchandise being sold, in great detail. You can still find those things here, along with archives of news and the news page's Cool Facts and Quotes of the Week. Nothing Vanishes Without a Trace.

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These sites are the other locations I use on the Web for storage of pictures, etc. Each site has the same homepage as this one and links to the same pages. All pages on this site are located on the first server, except for the main homepage which is located on along with some other graphics.||
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- new design still under construction: if a page has a black background with green titles then it hasn't been converted to the new format yet. old pages left over will be converted shortly -
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Disclaimer: The X-Files series and movie are copyright Twentieth Century Fox Inc. The contents of these pages are not meant to infringe any copyright laws or plagiarize the official sites. This site is for informational purposes only and the media contained in these pages are for evaluation purposes only and are not meant to break any copyright laws. Go to the official sites for the series and movie for an official look at the series and movie. Site contents © 1998-1999 A. Guess.