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I am a big fan of Star Trek TOS, as well as the movies. I have a few sounds here that might catch your fancy. If you have any comments or suggestions, please e-mail me them as well. I would also appreciate it if you let me know about any typing mistakes or if a sound won't download. Enjoy!
If you have trouble downloading anything, please email me and I'll do my best to help.
If you would like to see some pictures of each individual main cast member, click here.
Please note that due to increasing traffic, some of you may have been getting errors downloading. The bandwidth limit has been reached on multiple occasions. I'm currently in the process of finding solutions for this problem. If you have any problems, please let me know.
A1 | amazing.wav | 2284k | This is 'Amazing Grace' from Star Trek 2, at Spock's funeral. |
A2 | barney.wav | 102k | This is the background music you hear here. If you don't hear it, it's a funny cut and paste of a battle between Barney and the Enterprise. |
A3 | beamup.wav | 40k | This is the sound of the transporter beaming somebody up. |
A4 | bluff.wav | 14k | Spock: "Vulcans never bluff." |
A5 | bones3.wav | 34k | Bones: "What am I, a doctor or a moon shuttle conducter." |
A6 | bridge.wav | 20k | Some bridge noises. |
A7 | cannot.wav | 50k | Spock: "Without facts, the decision cannot be made logically. You must rely on your human intuition." |
A8 | communi.wav | 10k | The sound of a communicator. |
A9 | deadjim.wav | 8k | Bones: "He's dead Jim." |
A10 | doctor1.wav | 28k | Bones:
"I'm a doctor, not an engineer." Scotty: "Now you're an engineer." |
A11 | doctor5.wav | 15k | Bones: "I'm a doctor, not a brick layer." |
A12 | drain.wav | 57k | Kirk:
"Scotty. As good as your word." Scotty: "Ay sir. The more they overtake the plumbing, the easier it is to stop up the drain." |
A13 | dunna.wav | 23k | Suspenseful music played in some episodes such as The Doomsday Machine. |
A14 | engage.wav | 7k | This is the sound the computer makes after acknowledging the order. |
A15 | fanfare.wav | 28k | The fanfare theme. |
A16 | fscnting.wav | 6k | Spock: "Fascinating!" |
A17 | genqtrs.wav | 17k | When the bridge is communicating with one of the quarters. |
A18 | getalife.wav | 40k | This is really from Saturday Night Live. William Shatner: "Get a life, will ya people. I'm mean, for crying out loud, it's, it's just a T.V. show. |
A19 | guess.wav | 45k | Spock: "Mr. Scott can not give me exact figures Admiral, so I will make a guess." |
A20 | ilia.wav | 23k | Ilia: "I'm not programmed to give you that information." |
A21 | ilogical.wav | 5k | Spock: "Illogical." |
A22 | infonot.wav | 15k | Computer: "That information is not available." |
A23 | insufacs.wav | 36k | Spock: "Insufficient facts always invites danger Captain." |
A24 | intruder.wav | 7k | Kirk: "Intruder alert!" |
A25 | khan2.wav | 100k | Khan: "There she is! There she is! Ahhhh. Not so wounded as we were lead to believe. So much the better." |
A26 | klaxon.wav | 44k | The sound made after red alert is initiated. |
A27 | livelong.wav | 121k | Spock: "Live long and prosper." |
A28 | merciful.wav | 36k | Gorn: "I shall be merciful and quick." |
A29 | milk.wav | 51k | This is from a commercial. Scotty: "I've got to have more milk!" |
A30 | mind.wav | 13k | Bones: "Are you out of your Vulcan mind?" |
A31 | molcles.wav | 27k | Bones: "Crazy way to travel, spreading a mans molecules all over the universe." |
A32 | no_win.wav | 14k | Kirk: "I don't believe in the no win scenario." |
A33 | phasers1.wav | 40k | Phasers. |
A34 | power.wav | 19k | Scotty: "Captain. We're losing power in the warp engines." |
A35 | pwrdown.wav | 29k | Powerdown. |
A36 | ready.wav | 13k | Sulu: "Forward phasers locked and ready to fire sir." |
A37 | redalert.wav | 27k | A different red alert sound. |
A38 | scanner.wav | 67k | The noise from a scanner. |
A39 | scotty4.wav | 9k | Scotty: "It'll never work like this." |
A40 | spit.wav | 152k | Khan: "Now you can't get away. [heavy breathing] From Hell's heart, I stab at thee. For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee. |
A41 | spock.wav | 125k | This is something you can put on your answering machine. |
A42 | startrek.wav | 461k | The introduction to the Star Trek series. |
A43 | surgeon.wav | 60k | Scotty: "Here Doctor: souvenirs from one surgeon to another. I took them out of her main transwarp computer drive. |
A44 | trekdoor.wav | 8k | Sound of a door opening. |
A45 | tribble.wav | 56k | The sound of a tribble purring. |
A46 | trouble.wav | 117k | Chekov:
"I think we're in a lot of trouble." Kirk: "That's a great help Mr. Chekov. Bones?" Bones: "Well I think Mr Chekov is right, we are in a lot of trouble." Kirk: "Spock? And if you say we're in a lot of trouble..." Spock: "We are." |
A47 | unaware.wav | 25k | Spock: "I am not aware of anyone who fits that description." |
A48 | upshaft.wav | 62k | Computer:
"Level please." Scotty: "Tranporter room." Computer: "Thankyou." Scotty: "Up your shaft!" |
A49 | wagon.wav | 61k | Sulu:
"She's supposed to have transwarp drive." Scotty: "Ay, and if my grandmother had wheels she'd be a wagon." |
A50 | whales.wav | 31k | Scotty: "Admiral. There be whales here!" |
A51 | working.wav | 19k | Computer: "Working. Affirmative." |
A52 | alldead.wav | 315k | This is about the different ways Bones would say "He's dead". |
A53 | beatyou.wav | 46k | Khan: Cause I wanted you to know first, who it was who had beaten you. |
A54 | books.wav | 56k | Cogley: What's a matter? Don't you
like books? Kirk: Oh I like them fine. But a computer takes less space. |
A55 | changed.wav | 143k | Khan: In fact I am surprised how little improvement there has been in human evolution. Oh there has been technical advancement, but uh, how little man himself has changed. |
A56 | chekov01.wav | 31k | Chekov: Well not everyone Captain, it's a Russian inwention. |
A57 | chekov02.wav | 29k | Chekov: Guess who's coming to dinner. |
A58 | dowell.wav | 42k | Khan: It appears that we well do well in your century Captain. |
A59 | elevator.wav | 75k | Bones: Who's been holding up the damn elevator? |
A60 | fightm.wav | 48k | A clip of the fight music between Kirk and Spock from "Amok Time". |
A61 | glad.wav | 50k | Khan: I'm glad you came. Please do it again. |
A62 | guardian.wav | 56k | Guardian of Forever: I am the Guardian of Forever. |
A63 | hand.wav | 39k | Scotty: I know this ship like the
vack of my hand. CLUNCK - Scotty walks into something. |
A64 | inferior.wav | 72k | Khan: Captain, although your abilities intrigue me, you are quite honestly inferior. |
A65 | khan.wav | 43k | Kirk: KHAN! ..... KHAN! |
A66 | khanlong.wav | 713k | Kirk: Khan you blood sucker! You're
going to have to do your own dirty work now. Do you hear me? DO YOU?!? Khan: Kirk. Kirk, you still alive my old friend. Kirk: Still, old, friend. You've managed to kill just about everyone else, but like a poor marksman, you keep missing the target. Khan: Perhaps I no longer need to try Admiral. (The Genesis device is beamed to Khan's ship) Kirk: Khan. Khan, you've got Genesis, but you don't have me. You were going to kill me Khan; you're going to have to come down here. You're going to have to come down here! Khan: I've done far worse than kill you. I've hurt you. And I wish to go on hurting you. I shall leave you as you left me, as you left her. Marooned for all eternity, in the centre of a dead planet. Buried alive. Buried alive. Kirk: KHAN!..... KHAN! |
A67 | kirk01.wav | 24k | Kirk: Stand by to receive our transmission. |
A68 | kirk02.wav | 18k | Kirk: You mind telling me what this is all about mister? |
A69 | kirk03.wav | 12k | Kirk: Ahead, warp factor two. |
A70 | kirk04.wav | 14k | Kirk: Prepare to attack. All hands, battle stations. |
A71 | kirk05.wav | 36k | Kirk: Gentlemen... beam me aboard. Spock: We can't Captain. |
A72 | kirk06.wav | 37k | Kirk: Captain's log, stardate 17 - 0 - 9 - point - 2. |
A73 | kirk07.wav | 54k | Kirk: I'm used to the idea of dying. I have no desire to die for the likes of you. |
A74 | kirk08.wav | 8k | Kirk: Go to yellow alert. |
A75 | kirk09.wav | 7k | Kirk: Intruder alert! |
A76 | kirk12.wav | 11k | Kirk: This is damn peculiar. |
A77 | kirk13.wav | 17k | Kirk: Least tell me why you want to kill me. |
A78 | lied.wav | 7k | Saavik: You lied. |
A79 | mccoy01.wav | 78k | Bones: I'm a doctor, not a brick layer. |
A80 | mccoy03.wav | 20k | Bones: I'm a doctor, not an
engineer. Scotty: Now you're and engineer. |
A81 | mccoy04.wav | 21k | Bones: No I'm a doctor, not a mechanic. |
A82 | mccoy05.wav | 35k | Bones: What am I a doctor, or a moon shuttle conductor? |
A83 | mccoy09.wav | 15k | Bones: Very impressive. |
A84 | mccoy10.wav | 18k | Bones: Oh I find that shocking. |
A85 | mccoy11.wav | 17k | Bones: Are you out of your Vulcan mind? |
A86 | mccoy14.wav | 18k | Bones: Spock! Do something. |
A87 | music.wav | 144k | Music from the end of one of the episodes. |
A88 | nomaderr.wav | 52k | Nomad: You are in error. You are a biological unit. You are imperfect. |
A89 | no-match.wav | 63k | Khan: I have five times your strength. You're no match for me. |
A90 | notrib.wav | 240k | Kirk: Scott, you didn't transport
them into space, did you? Scotty: Captain Kirk! That would be inhuman. Kirk: Well where are they? Scotty: I gave them a very good home sir. Kirk: Where ?!? Scotty: I gave them to the Klingons sir. Kirk: You gave them to the Klingons? Scotty: Aye sir. Before they went into warp, I transported the whole kit'n'kaboodle into their engine room, where they'll be no trible at all. |
A91 | pike.wav | 79k | Captain Pike: My name is Christopher Pike. Commander of the space vehicle Enterprise from a stellar group at the other end of this galaxy. |
A92 | scotsman.wav | 153k | This one is about Scotty and his engines. |
A93 | scotty01.wav | 16k | Scotty: This jury-rigging won't last for long. |
A94 | scotty02.wav | 12k | Scotty: Captain! What do we do? |
A95 | scotty06.wav | 59k | Scotty: I can't give you warp nine much longer mister Spock. These engines are beginning to show signs of stress. |
A96 | scotty07.wav | 27k | Scotty: If we keep this speed we'll blow up any minute now. |
A97 | scotty08.wav | 42k | Scotty: If I push these impulse engines too hard in the condition they're in, they'll blow apart. |
A98 | scotty09.wav | 43k | Scotty: The emergency bypass control of the matter/anti-matter intergrator is fused. |
A99 | scotty10.wav | 41k | Scotty: My bairns. My poor bairns. |
A100 | scotty11.wav | 5k | Scotty: Aye sir. |
A101 | scotty15.wav | 26k | Scotty: Captain! We're losing power in the warp engines. |
A102 | spock04.wav | 8k | Spock: Checkmate. |
A103 | spock07.wav | 46k | Spock: Greetings... and felicitations. Hum. |
A104 | spock08.wav | 87k | Spock: Hip, hip hurrah. And I believe it's pronouced tally-ho. |
A105 | spock09.wav | 37k | Spock: Oh that's ... quite understandable. |
A106 | spock10.wav | 30k | Spock: Sir. There's a multi-legged creature crawling on you shoulder. |
A107 | spock12.wav | 19k | Spock: That sir, is illogical. |
A108 | spock15.wav | 20k | Spock: I speak from pure logic. |
A109 | spock17.wav | 47k | Spock: Superior ability breads superior ambition. |
A110 | trek.wav | 44k | A funny little cut and past wav that I found on the web. |
A111 | weknow.wav | 18k | Bones: We know what a Klingon is. |
A112 | xcelent.wav | 9k | Khan: Excellent. |
A113 | beamfast.wav | 20k | Kirk: Scotty! Beam us up fast. |
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This page was last updated on the 29th of March, 2002.
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