Story Submission
- BAFFA Submission Rules -

Thank you for choosing to submit your story to the BAFFA.

The following are rules that authors are asked to follow when submitting stories in order to post their story as quickly and as coherently as possible. If you are submitting poetry, visit the Poetry Submission Rules.

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Content Guidelines

Your story must have Buffy/Angel content. This doesn't necessarily mean that it has to be only about Buffy and Angel, but it does mean that they have to be in the story, and together.

Content for your stories should have a rating from "G" (General Audiences) to mild "R" (Restricted). I ask that everything in all of your stories be appropriate for teenage readers, because many Buffy fans are not over 18. This means that graphic descriptions of sex and/or violence should be kept to a minimum. If you send me a link to a story of any rating, I am willing to post that link on this site, but the story MUST be properly labeled for its content.

Formatting Guidelines

Insert a blank line between paragraphs. Otherwise, your story will be formatted incorrectly.


Buffy and Angel were sitting in the park, eating ice cream. Buffy had a giant cone of peanut butter double fudge chocolate chip. It was completely against her new diet, but she was enjoying every second.

"Yum," she mumbled, devouring her treat. She leaned against Angel's side and stared off at the stars.

Angel smiled down at Buffy, being careful to keep his own ice cream away from her golden hair. He loved everything about this girl.

NOT Correct:

Buffy and Angel were sitting in the park, eating ice cream. Buffy had a giant cone of peanut butter double fudge chocolate chip. It was completely against her new diet, but she was enjoying every second.
"Yum," she mumbled, devouring her treat. She leaned against Angel's side and stared off at the stars.
Angel smiled down at Buffy, being careful to keep his own ice cream away from her golden hair. He loved everything about this girl.

Use the following code for putting in bold, underlined, or italicized words or phrases in your story: <b>bold</b>, <u>underline</u> and <i>italic</i>. If you have to, you may use the older system: *asterisks for bold*, _underscores for underlined_, and ^carets for italicized ^.

You must put your current (and VALID) e-mail address in at least one of the spaces provided.

Links, Long Stories, Etc.

If you have a story hosted at another web site, and would like The BAFFA to link to it, please send the location of your story, your name, and a summary of the story to

If you would like to change your author name or e-mail address, please inform Salatina.

If you are submitting a revised version of a story or poem that is already at The BAFFA, please write "--REVISED" after the title of the story when you are prompted for the story title by the submission form.

Other Guidelines

Please proof read and edit your story. If you are a terrible speller and editor (don't worry, I horried spelllar, two!), and would like some help, try here.

Sadly, neither the creator of this web site nor the authors who contribute to it own or are associated with Buffy: the Vampire Slayer and/or Angel. In order to keep our legal backsides covered, each story at this archive needs to have a disclaimer -- a simple one- or two-line message that means, in essence, "I don't own any of the characters, and I am not paid for using them." If you don't provide a disclaimer in the appropriate area of the submission form, a generic (and rather boring) disclaimer will be added to your story.

Whatever author name or story title you choose stick with it. That means that if you submit one part of a fic and call yourself "Alextaria," when you submit the next part PLEASE call yourself "Alextaria," even if you hate the name at that point. You may submit different stories under whatever name you wish.

Temporarily at least, HTML tags are allowed in the text areas of the submission form.

Keywords should be no more than one or two words long, and, due to the current situation with the "The BAFFA Search Engine", should be limited to the ones you feel are most important. Example keywords: future, death, hope, Hell, past, Acathla, Janna, gypsies, Angel, etc.

E-mail me with any questions or comments. I don't bite. Much. *grin*

Be honest and creative.

I HAVE READ AND AGREE to the above rules. I understand that, if they are not followed, my story may not be posted.

Yes, I Agree

No, I Don't Agree

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Running away in terror? Fine. Where would you like to go?

-- SalFic?
-- The BAFFA?
-- Buffydom General Fic?
-- Somewhere else?

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