My Favorite Band by Anne
The Red Hot Chili Peppers are an awesome band. They have been around for quite some time, considering the fact that their first album was released in 1988, and they are still a hit in 2001.
RHCP happens to be my favorite band. I saw them in concert on May 10, 2000 . They had Bicycle Thief open for them and the Foo Fighters play with them. It was an awesome, sold out concert that took place in Baltimore Arena in Baltimore, MD. I enjoyed it thoroughly even though some of my favorite songs were not played.
The Red Hot Chili Peppers have been through a lot in the past decade. They have played at major concerts, been in top magazines, and have even guest starred on popular shows. For instance, they had a hit song on the Beavis and Butthead Do America Soundtrack.

This movie was an MTV production along with Geffen and Paramount , and it was released in the summer of 1997 . The song that hit the top ten on the charts was called Love Rollercoaster , which is a remake of an Ohio Players song.
RHCP made their debut on a television show, when they starred on the popular cartoon comedy known as The Simpsons . They were on the episode called Krusty Gets Cancelled. This show also had stars like Hugh Hefner, Bette Midler, Elizabeth Taylor, Luke Perry, Johnny Carson, and Barry White. To go to the Simpsons website, Click Here!
Here is a picture of how they looked on camera…
In order, it is Flea, Anthony Kiedis, Chad Smith, and David Frusciante.
Another display of them was in 1998 when they made the cover of Spin Magazine. They looked quite wild, and you will see what I mean when you look at this next picture. Don't worry; this is not what the Red Hot Chili Peppers normally look like.
In the order of this picture, it is Anthony Kiedis, Flea, David Frusciante, and Chad Smith .
You Can Now Go To...
RHCP Albums Made In The 1980's
RHCP Albums Made In The 1990's
Offical Website of RHCP
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