Trish Frye's (msmovies) Homepage! :)

Hi, and welcome to my homepage!

First some personal info: I'm in my 40s, married for 20+ years to a great guy, and we have two grown sons. I'm a California native - born in Santa Cruz - but I am now a transplant to Oregon.


I grew up on them and I like most anything as long as it's good. Classic movies, horror movies (unless it's a gross-out), science fiction, comedy, drama....whatever! My husband and I met, in fact, while I was a candy girl at my parents' revival movie house in Saratoga, CA (The Vitaphone) - so I got to teach him to love classic movies as well. My all-time favorite movies are: Gone With the Wind, Casablanca, Ninotchka, Rebecca, Fried Green Tomatoes, Somewhere in Time, ID4, Jurassic Park, just
to name a few!

I ALSO LOVE CHATROOMS, CHATTING, AND MEETING NEW PEOPLE ON THE WEB! Ever since we bought WebTV, I have discovered the joy of chatting online. I do it all the time. If you want to join me, go to My Chatroom or Talk City and look for me in these rooms: 40sRUS and 32-to-40-Chat and look for msmovies! Hi to all my chat friends, you know who you are!
Please come back soon...this is just a starter page and will be worked on for a while. In the meantime, please email me and/or sign my guestbook. Thank you!
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