Due to Exams, SBUK won't be updating until the end of June. Apologies to everyone, but fear not, SBUK will be back better than ever. Until then why not join the BritBeacher mailing list at Janet's Sunset Beach Page?

5 Omnibus, Sunset Bitching, Maria and The Lost Years are part of Sunset Bitch and as such will continue to update

This Weeks Quote:

Virginia: "I did what I had to, and I'd do it again!"

5 Omnibus Commentary

Aunt Bette's Gossip Mailing List

Sunset Bitching

Features Section 

The Confessional Booth

Beachy Moments

On The Couch With Dr. Estrada

Poopsie's Problem Page

Madame Carmen's Psychic Network

Sunset Warp

Maria - Should She Stay or Should She Go?


Pictures With A Difference



What's New? What's Updated?

Last updated 25 th May, 1999.

SBUK Chat Room

Message Board

Sunset Sonnets


Mailing Lists

Webrings / Awards 

SB in the UK


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SBUK News:

The Official Channel 5 Website is up and running and includes a Sunset Beach Fantasy League game.


The SBUK CHAT times are Saturdays at 6PM, Sundays at 6:30PM (BST).

Check out our new update page.

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