Creative Pastimes
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Below are several pictures of my husband's (Bruce) carvings. He started carving and woodworking about 11 years ago.
You can click on all the images to see a larger version
1998: This is the entertainment center he made for me this year. It is 4'8" tall by 4'3" wide. It isn't extremely big, but it fits in my house very well. (Our house isn't real big) It is made out of pine, and has a light golden oak stain.
Dec.1999 : Tis rocking horse is made out of laminated pine and is almost 3' tall. The saddle is made out of leather. The stirrups are made from converted spurs. He loves making horses.
Here are a few of his older carvings.
This Bird clock has a music box in it.The bird in the middle at the bottom can be wound up and it plays Adelweiss.
This is the first "horse" he made, in the form of a table.
Click here for more woodworking pictures.
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Last Updated: August 2003

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