The above is an ad from the nice people at yahoo/geocities

SweePer and the
SDA logo
(the Society for Dingo Advancement) /Area51/Lair/3789/

Tiny Dingo logo

 Do you "own" a SDA registered and approved dingo? Have you upheld the SDA's 5 Cardinal Rules? (If you have EATEN your dingo, you can IMMEDIATELY consider yourself ineligible!) Do you solemnly swear NOT to pull Tiny Dingo tails, or Tiny Dingo ears, or Tiny Dingo legs? Have you seen the posted Tiny Dingo pics?
You can get your very own Tiny Dingo!!!
Click here for more information!
Tiny Dingo Pics
TD Pics 2
Holiday Greeting from '98 (in case you missed it)

Click here to see the gazoo page
Click here: To go back to the PB
(the Apollo bronze, no frames)
Click here to visit SweePer's bronze things page
Click here to check out SweePer's Homepage
Well, my personal page is in a temporary state of wreckedness but hopefully I'll get it (and myself) put back together soon. But thanks for the interest!