Hey It's Me, Betsy White
Hello. My full name is Elizabeth Renee White.   I am 14 years old and will be starting Gillespie High School next year as a Freshman.  I live in Litchfield, IL.  It is a fairly small town with 7,200 people, but we do have a Wal-mart.  I am 5'2", have brownish/blond hair, and green eyes. I usually have very long fingernails. Real of course..more..
The Buffy Cast
See my quotes.  See my music lyrics.
The Wedding of my sister I'm going to be a bridesmaid in my sister Kelly's wedding. She is marrying Jason Potter, and they are getting married October 20, 2001
how hot are you?

Harry Potter Books

The Cradles-band

Harry Potter Fanfiction
Green Day

more links...
Please sign my guestbook. I will hunt you down...
I have a mom, dad, and two sisters.  I am the youngest.  Amanda is 21 and Kelly is 24.  She is engaged to Jason.  I have a super-smart dog named Rosco and about a million cats.  My mom babysits for the three cutest babies in the world.
I have a lot of friends.  It would be hard to list all of you considering you will probably be the only ones ever to look at it, but I thank you. more...
James Marsters/Spike
Well, I have a lot of hobbies so I'll just start rambling. I am involved in softball, basketball,and volleyball.  I love the book series Harry Potter (don't knock it until you've read them).  My favorite shows are Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Charmed, and Angel. I put pics of them on the page.  I think you should be able to tell but if you can't figure it out Buffy is on top and Angel is lower.  I didn't  put a picture of Charmed in there because they are in the midst of a casting change.  I also put on a seperate pic of James Marsters on the bottom for Kelly, and because I think he is very hot.:) more...
If a link is not working or if you have an idea for this site, or even a complaint, please e-mail me.
See how the contest is going at the points board.
I will try to put up a page that will have Coming Attractions.  But untill then, it is a coming attraction.
I made this page: 02.04.01
I last updated this page: 08.11.01
I made this page with the help of JP Designs - I own this page. It is mine...okay just take whatever you want and leave me alone.
You are visitor number to this site.
Updated 8.12.01  Put up 7 more song lyrics.  Gave Amanda 100 points for finding many spelling and grammatical errors.  Gave Kelly White 15 points for 2 quotes (put them up) and a helpful thought.  Jessica Smith has another 5 points for pointing out an error too.  Check the points board for the new totals.

Updated 8.11.01  Put up another 4 music lyrics.  You know you people sure aren't being encouraged by this competition thing.

Updated 8.09.01  Put up some 4+ music lyrics.

all older updates go