This is just a simple little page where you can find images to all of my items I have, or will have up for auction on E-Bay. As of right now I am just getting this page started so please be patient with me.

Hello! My name is Deanna and I am so glad you stopped in for a visit. I am a working mother of 4 children who enjoys selling at E-bay. I mostly sell children's clothes, but sometimes I do list men's and women's clothing. My items are either very gently worn or brand new. Most of the new items will have tags, but occasionally they will not. I have excellent feedback which I credit to my honesty about the items I sell and fast shipping. So if you are looking for great bargains please check out my listings. You can find them here, or at E-Bay under the username poohworks.

Thanks for visiting. I hope you find something you like. Have a great day!

HOODIE You need to create at least two separate pages to accomplish this -- a page with your full-size image and a page with your thumbnail images. Suppose your full-sized image name is "image.gif," and you want to display it on a page called "page1.html." Place this code on page1.html: For your thumbnails page, create the links to go to your "page1.html" page: Thumbnail.gif would be your small version, and this will have a link that goes to page1.html, which is the page that has your full-size image. Use an image-editing program to properly resize your images. If you don't already have one, you can download a trial version of Paint Shop Pro at this address: