Initiating DCC from mIRC with LinkSys BEFS41 DSL Router

Ok here's the part they dont tell you about the mIRC/LinkSys/DCC problem. I was having the problem of not being able to initiate DCC's. Receiving was fine. Here is what you have to do instead of making your pc a DMZ pc (linksys folks know what this is). These directions assume the latest firmware upgrade of at least ( 1.40.1, Sep 10 2001). Basically go into your Linksys router configuration to the advanced settings.

Forward ports 4990-5000 (assuming you do a maximum of 10 DCCs at any 1 time) to the IP address of the PC with the mIRC client. (also forward port 113 in your linksys setup to your mIRC pc so it can return the identd information)


In the mIRC client, go to File/Options/DCC/Options .. Under DCC ports, put the same ports you entered in your Linksys configuration and change your "Max Requested DCC sends" to 10 (5000 - 4990 = 10)

NOW.. here is the part they leave out... In your File/Options/Connect/LocalInfo section, have the following boxes checked: Always get "IP Address" and Lookup Method = "SERVER".




You should be all set. For other IRC clients, you are on your own.. although this should help.