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Mike And The 'Bots
J's Opinion

One of the best shows ever done on TV. So good that The Lady J gave up her beloved AMC in order to switch cable systems when Comedy Central gave it the axe. The show isn't as good without Trace but still your best bet on TV. The folks at Best Brains, Inc. (producers of the show) make references to everything from Shakespeare to Iron Maiden in their humor. And the quips sometimes come so fast that you have to watch an episode several times cuz you missed so much the first time while you were laughing so hard.

Lady J's Opinion

Our addiction to this show is disgusting...no one understands us anymore...our family says "oh, this must be an MST thing". Get the picture?

Crow T. Robot
Crow T. Robot
Tom Servo
Tom Servo
Michael J. Nelson

Michael J. Nelson

Observer, Observer and,
of course, Observer
Observer, Observer and Observer
Observers crooning a beautiful song:
When I Held Your Brain In My Arms
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