Mark Wylie's Electronics Projects
Email: x_goose_x at hotmail dot com
TV Tuner Project

A while back, I purchased a TV tuner from MTM Scientific. I finally got around to playing around with it. I wrote a simple test program to control the tuner using an Atmel AVR microcontroller. The tuner can be used to receive signals from 60 MHz to 860 MHz. For more information, please see the MTM website. Note that the tuner is designed for television reception, and therefore the the passband is fairly large and you may have trouble isolating signals such as FM radio. If you wish to use this tuner as a wideband FM receiver, I suggest use it as a front end, but construct your own mixer/filter/demod circuit. A site worth checking out for such a design can be found here. Although I have not personally built any of the tuner projects on that site, I have looked over the designs and they seem well designed. I also recommend looking over other articles on the site, you can find a lot of useful information there.

Datasheets: Tuner, TSA5521, LA7577N

The files for the project can be downloaded here:

- main.c
- tuner.c
- tuner.h
- delay.c
- delay.h

Note: You will need to rename the header files. In order to upload them here, I had to save them as text files. This code can be used with any 8-bit AVR microcontroller, such as the ATTINY2313.

Feel free to use this code, just please reference me in the code.
More to come...
Mark Wylie, 2008