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this is my web page and i am limegreengumby this is my first web page so bear wih me :)
Hi. i was bored so i decided to try to make a web page so here it is umm ive got some anime pics posted, for those of you that know what it is youl probly laugh at my selection but to those that dont know what anime is your in for a treat. If your into action anime is the place to be if your lookin for romanace anime is where its at.
anime aka japanamation or japanesse animation is a type of cartoon not like any other cartoons, can usualy be spotted by the eyes of the charicter which are HUGE
here is a pic from a show called gun
smith cats (hot chicks with big guns)
here is a pic of Goku a charicter in a
series named Dragon Ball Z
here are two pics of the sailor scouts a
group of teenagers that battle the forces
of evil(whats better than that huh?)
this pic is of a more well known anime
movie named akira
This page was created with the help of The Butcher.
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