.Hack//Sign CD Drama Action Fantasy Complete Based on the video game .hack//sign ***
AD Police Purchased DVD SciFi Action Drama Complete Spin off of Bubblegum Crisis 2040 ***
Aeon Flux Purchased DVD SciFi Drama Complete Come on its Aeon Flux ****
Ai Yori Aoshi CD Comedy Drama Romance Episodes 1-14 Hanabishi Kaoru meets a girl whom he discovers is his old friend Sakuraba Aoi arranged marriage **
Airmaster Burned DVD Martial Arts Action Drama Complete Female fighter ***
Akira Purchased DVD SciFi Drama Movie If you don’t know what Akira is then go home *****
Amaenaideyo Burned DVD Drama Episodes 1-13 Satonaka Ikko is an apprentice Buddhist priest transforms when he sees naked girl saves the world ***
Animatrix Purchased DVD SciFi Drama OVA Series of shorts about the matrix ****
Armitage Dual Matrix Purchased DVD Robot Drama Action Movie You should know this one ****
Armitage Poly Matrix Purchased DVD Robot Drama Action Movie Armitage is all growed up ****
Bakuretsu Tenshi Burned DVD Action Robot Drama Complete Burst Angel ***
Battle Angel Alita CD Drama Action Robot OVA Given *****
Black Blood Brothers Sean's HDD Action Drama Complete Two brothers enter the special zone to escape their past ***
Black Cat Sean's HDD Action Suspense Drama Episodes 1-11 Train traveled with his partner Sven Volfied to hunt down criminals ***
Bleach Sean's HDD Action Drama Martial Arts Episodes 1-125 Ichigo becomes a shinigami to fight hollows *****
Blood the Last Vampire Daniel's HDD Horror Drama Fantasy Movie Vampire movie ****
Blood+ Sean's HDD Horror Drama Fantasy Complete Series based off of Blood the Last Vampire ****
Bokurano Sean's HDD Drama Episodes 1-3 In a summer vacation, a group of 15 children discovered a mysterious man and play a deadly game ***
Bubblegum Crisis Purchased DVD Robot Drama Complete Classic cult ****
Bubblegum Crisis 2040 Purchased DVD Robot Drama Episodes 1-4 Remake combining Bubblegum Crisis and Crash ****
Capeta Sean's HDD Sports Comedy Drama Episodes 1-14 young child learns to race go carts ****
Clerks Purchased DVD Comedy Complete Series based off of the movie ****
Comic Party Purchased DVD Comedy Romance Complete Student gets involved in comic conventions becomes manga artist ****
Cowboy Beebop Purchased DVD Action Drama Complete Classic *****
Cowboy Beebop Knocking on Heaven's Door Purchased DVD Action Drama Movie Movie based off of the classic *****
Darker than Black Sean's HDD Drama Episodes 1-3 In Tokyo, a bizarre field appears that is impossible to analyze ***
Death Note Sean's HDD Drama Suspense Mystery Episodes 1-26 Write someone's name in the book and they will die ****
Detective Conan Sean's HDD Mystery Suspense Drama Comedy Episodes 1-40 High school student turned child solves mysteries while trying to hide identity ****
Dragon Ball Purchased DVD Martial Arts Comedy Episodes 1-13 Based off of the tale of a monkey ****
Dragon Ball Curse of the Blood Ruby Purchased DVD Martial Arts Comedy Movie Retelling of the first few episodes ***
Dragon Ball Z Tree of Might Purchased DVD Martial Arts Comedy Movie Movie spin-off of the hit series ***
Ergo Proxy Sean's HDD SciFi Robot Drama Episodes 1-12 Domed city Romdo peace broken by murders ****
Escaflowne Purchased DVD Robot Drama Complete High school student enters into another realm where she meets Von ***
Escaflowne the Movie Purchased DVD Robot Drama Movie Movie adaptation of the series ****
Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Burned DVD Drama Action Fantasy Movie Movie continues the hit video game *****
Flame of Recca CD Action Martial Arts Fantasy Complete Recca Hanabishi is a ninja who was sent to the future ***
Full Metal Panic CD Action Comedy Robot Complete Protect a high school student using way to much technology ***
Gasaraki Purchased DVD Robot Drama Complete Yushiro finds himself at the center of events that will change the future of mankind. ***
Ghost in the Shell Purchased DVD Drama Drama Movie Great movie *****
Ghost in the Shell Innocence Purchased DVD Drama Drama Movie Great movie part 2 *****
Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex Purchased DVD Drama Drama Complete Series based off of the movie *****
Ghost in the shell Stand Alone Complex 2nd Gig Purchased DVD Drama Drama Episodes 1-23 Second season *****
Great Onegai Teacher CD Comedy Drama Episodes 1-11 Student is married to teacher who is actually an alien ***
Great Teacher Onizuka Purchased DVD Comedy Complete Onizuka helps his students using biker gang methods *****
Gungrave Daniel's HDD Fantasy SciFi Drama Complete ***
Gunsmith Cats Purchased DVD Action Drama OVA Based off of the manga of the same name *****
Initial D Burned DVD Sports Drama Complete Takumi the drift king and his ae86 *****
Iria Zerim Purchased DVD Action Drama OVA Iria tries to fight off the evil monster Zerim ****
Juusoukikou Dancougar Nova Sean's HDD SciFi Robot Drama Episodes 1 A large robot appears who protects the weak. ***
Kenichi Sean's HDD Martial Arts Comedy Episodes 1-19 Kenichi wants to be stronger so he takes up martial arts *****
Kenshin CD Drama Action Episodes 1-11, 16-63 Kenshin the wondering samurai ****
Kiddy Grade CD Drama Action Comedy Complete Never watched the full series I think there are clones in it though ***
La Blue Girl Purchased DVD Hentai Comedy Episodes 1-3 Yes I know I have hentai, it was a gag gift back off man ***
Land Lock Sean's HDD Drama OVA The land of Zer`lue is in turmoil, ravaged by the technological might of Chairman Sana`ku. ***
Love Hina CD Drama Comedy Episodes 1-25 Residential manager of is grandmothers all girl dorm ***
Macross Plus the Movie Purchased DVD Robot Drama Movie Great Robotech movie *****
Magical Canon Burned DVD Comedy Drama SciFi Complete Funny take on sailormoon and the sailor scouts ***
Memories Sean's HDD SciFi Drama OVA 4 short stories *****
Metropolis Purchased DVD Drama Robot Movie Based off of the old live action movie ****
Monster Burned DVD Horror Suspense Drama Complete Dr Tenman tries to clear his name *****
Nadia Purchased DVD Drama Comedy Episodes 1-20 Interesting twist on ****
Nagasarete Airantou Sean's HDD Comedy Episodes 1-2 Boy wash-ups on an island filled with only women ***
Naruto Sean's HDD Martial Arts Comedy Drama Action Complete Naruto need I say more *****
Naruto Shippuden Sean's HDD Martial Arts Comedy Drama Action Episodes 1-13 Naruto growed up some and its even better than the original *****
Neon Genesis Evangalion Purchased DVD Drama Robot Episodes 1-20 I think there are giant robots in this. *****
Noir Daniel's HDD Drama Complete Mireille's search for her past begins with a note and a song ***
One Piece Sean's HDD Fantasy Episodes 1-205 Luffy wants to be the Pirate King *****
One Piece Movies Burned DVD Fantasy Movie Movies about Luffy and the gang ***
Parasite Dolls Purchased DVD Robot Drama OVA Another spin-off of Bubblegum Crisis 2040 ***
Peace Maker Kurogane Burned DVD Drama Action Complete Tetsunosuke desires nothing more then to join the Shinsegumi ****
Pom Poko Sean's HDD Drama Movie Raccoons take on human form to save their forest ****
Prince of Tennis Sean's HDD Sports Drama Comedy Complete Echizen trains and competes to be the best *****
Prince of Tennis National Champion Sean's HDD Sports Drama Comedy Episodes 1-7 Continuing story ****
Princess Mononoke Purchased DVD Drama Action Fantasy Movie Technology vs. nature ****
Robotech Purchased DVD Robot Drama Action Episodes 1-60 Can I have my own veritech *****
Robotech Shadow Wars Sean's HDD Robot Movie Set well into the future when Rick Hunter is now an admiral ****
Royal Space Force Purchased DVD Drama Movie Mankind's attempt to break into orbit *****
SeaLab 2021 Purchased DVD Comedy Complete Season 1 Using stock footage pokes fun at seventies cartoon ****
Serial Experiments Lain Purchased DVD Drama Suspense Complete One of my favorite series. *****
Sky Girls Sean's HDD SciFi OVA 1 Aviation Exoskeleton Sky Divers created years after half of the land is under water ***
Soukou no Strain Sean's HDD Drama Episodes 1-13 Sara is after her brother who may be the enemy attacking the planet ***
Spiral Burned DVD Suspense Mystery Drama Comedy Complete Who are the blade children ***
St Luminous Burned DVD Comedy Drama Complete Something about being forced to enter into a girls school because his grandfather is a perv **
Steamboy Purchased DVD Drama SciFi Movie How the hell does steam have that much power? ****
Tantei Gakuen Q Sean's HDD Mystery Comedy Drama Complete Detective academy with the special Q class ****
Trigun Daniel's HDD Fantasy SciFi Drama Comedy Complete Vash need I say more? *****
Vampire Hunter D Daniel's HDD Fantasy Horror Drama Movie Some movie about a talking hand ***
Vampire Hunter D Blood Lust Purchased DVD Horror Drama Fantasy Movie Continuation of D's story ****
Witch Hunter Robin CD Drama Action Complete Robin is a powerful witch who hunts down evil witches ****
Wizards Purchased DVD Drama Comedy Fantasy Movie Two brother wizards face each other technology v. nature ****
Wonderful Days Sean's HDD SciFi Drama Movie Korean anime about pollution used to power the rich while poor live in slums *****