<BGSOUND SRC="http://www.lessthanjake.com/realaudio/hb.ram" LOOP=INFINITE>
Dougs Sk8er Palace!!
u r the
sk8er to enter this sweet ass site
Hey Email me about comments on my site or something u want aiight thanx peace. 
My email adress is asianacid8@aol.com
Hey sup my name is Doug something.  that is all u need to no.  Well I am goin to just tell u a little about me and shit like  that aiight?  Well i am orginally from South Korea livin in Pennslyvania in l-town on top of the food chain and just chillin wit my dawgs!  I am 13 right now 5'5, dyed blond hair, and brown eyes and I love to skate.  If u live in pa and u no were l-town (Levittown) is then give me a email and maybe we could skate toghther.  I love to skate on all different terrain, love to eat food,surf the web for some sweet sk8ing sites, talk to my friends sometimes, and I love to skateboard.  I have been sk8ing for about 7 months now and I am aiight. Well that  is about me and thats all!
LINks TO tHE wEbPaGe!
Hey These r just some links to the webpage justclik on the onez u think  r interresting aiight!
        My Favorite sk8ing links!
SO u wanna start and hold ur own competion? click here!
TriCk TiPs
So u WaNnA gEt SpONsORed?CLik HerE