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Its Just for Fun

David Boreanaz and the character he portrays has got girls swooning all over the world. Whether he’s being the soulful and brooding Angel, or the evil but witty Angelus; he’s got gorgeous down pat.

Amber and I, being of the swooning crowd, came up with an idea.

Love Always, Angel is a Fan Club/Mailing List dedicated
to Angel, the vampire you can’t help but love. Anyone can join, gender is not discriminated. The character Angel attracts notice not just from girls, but guys as well. So go ahead, join. Take advantage of our special membership benefits.

To link to our site use this html code: <center> <a href="/TelevisionCity/Set/8697"> <img src="/Area51/Lair/3586/linklaa2.jpg"></a> </center> It should look like this:
Jen's Site
Amber's Site

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This Love Always, Angel site is owned by
Amber and Jen.

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