Angel Rocks!

Alright, here's the deal. This site has been too much trouble to update, and I've done much better in my classes when I stayed away from here. So I am no longer going to update Angel Rocks. I am just going to leave it like this. I'm sorry, but there are more things in life than a TV show. So dont send me anything, because I won't reply. Sorry again. But dont stop watchin' BTVS. I know I won't! :)
Buffy in the News(Updated October 3)
Picture Gallery(Updated September 27)
Episode Guide(Updated October 12)
Latest Info(Updated September 26)
Quotes page(Updated October 3)
Chat Transcripts
Buffy Theme
Take my Buffy Quiz(Updated October 3)
Take other people's BTVS Quizzes(Updated September 26, 1998)
Awards I've Won(Updated September 26)
BTVS Links(Updated September 26)
Webrings I'm In(Updated August 22)



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Hey wanna help me out? You can put a link to my page, on your page w/ this banner. If you'll send me yours, I'll put it on my links page. :) Here's the code: (Just take out the stars, and it'll work fine. :) Thanks again!

<*a href="/TelevisionCity/Set/8458"><*img src="/TelevisionCity/Set/8458/mybanner.jpg">

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