Angel Rocks!
Alright, here's the deal. This site has been too much trouble to update, and I've done much better in my classes when I stayed away from here. So I am no longer going to update Angel Rocks. I am just going to leave it like this. I'm sorry, but there are more things in life than a TV show. So dont send me anything, because I won't reply. Sorry again. But dont stop watchin' BTVS. I know I won't! :)
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- Alright, yall all know what happened at the end. I just sat there after crying my eyes out, my mouth open in shock and disbelief. I did that for about 5-10 min, and then I couldn't stop talkin' 'bout it. Oh my gosh! He's back! AND IT BETTER NOT BE A DREAM! But I don't think it is. (While crossin my fingers) :) But that was definately the best thing in the whole ep. And he came out NAKED! Oh my goodness. That was my dream come true(him coming out of hell). :) I just don't think I can wait a week. :(
- Alright who here thought Faith was starting to become annoying. She kept calling her B, and was not even helping Buffy during that fight. But then it all came together when she was so scared of the cloven hoofed vamp'. I was like "oh." He sure was ugly. And Faith had to go insult Angel, and then I was like ok Buffy go kick her butt!
- Buffy's back in school! Giles scared him. :) That's so funny. When Giles was trying to find out about a binding spell, I was wondering why. There wasn't one before, or someone would have used it. He was just trying to find out what happened. And Buffy kept on running away right into the guy who gave her the claddagh ring. (I knew thats what it was) I was like don't take it! Angel gave one to you. And when Buffy finally told Giles and Willow what really happened, it made me sad. That moment always makes me sad. And they had to play it over and over this ep. :( Oh and that dream w/ Angel in the beginning was a little bit weird. He's all like Go to Hell, and everything. But... he looked good in that until he got the green demon face. But Angel's my fave and I am so so so glad that he is back.
- All right in the preview they said, Next week Angel is back! And Buffy like sees him and is in total disbelief. What I think: Angel comes out of hell, very hungry b/c they didn't give him any food (or barely any) and he doesn't know where he is. He prob thinks he's still in hell. So he goes searching find a girl and kills her for blood, the gang thinks its Oz. They find out its not, and Buffy goes hunting. On her hunt she finds Angel and she is in utter and total shock, and amazement. I am def. watchin' this! And taping it! :) :) :) :) :)

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