Karen's Magnificent Quote Page

Welcome to my lovely page! I am Karen, a t.v. addict. On this page, I will have quotes and commentaries from my favorite shows, The X-Files, Chicago Hope, ER, Port Charles and Sisters. I am not in any way affiliated with any of these shows.

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What's New Here at My Magnificent Page

May, 2005

Well, obviously I haven't updated here in awhile --- again. I was just thinking that almost all of the t.v. shows I have pages for on here have been cancelled - some of them years and years ago (almost 10 years for Sisters). And plus, the only show that's still on the air just isn't all that good anymore. So, I'm not sure what to do with this page. I'm thinking about changing it into something else all together. Possibly movie reviews, or possibly a bird of an entirely different feather.

My thoughts fall to other projects that interest me, and one of these is data analysis. Okay, I admit this sounds extremely dull, but trust me, it has the potential to be really cool. Don't worry, the data I plan to work with is going to be interesting. So, coming up as soon as I have time to complete the analysis and post it - statistics about death row prisonners and last meal preferences!! I hope you'll come back and check it out, it's sure to be a blast!!!

January, 2004

Happy New Year everyone! Well, it's been a long time since I've done anything here, but I've been notified that if I don't start editing, my magnificent site will be deleted! So, I'm back. I haven't updated anything yet, but there's lots that I can and will update in the near future, so keep checking back!

Mid-May, 2000

Alright, I've begun my big summer updating. On my Sisters Page I've added one episode summary and pics of Billy Griffin, Teddy Reed and Gabriel Sorenson. On my ER page I've updated my episode guide and added a lot of pictures. The same goes for my Chicago Hope page. I'll be updating again soon, so come back and check it out!

Late January, 2000

I've updated my Season 6 Episode Guides for ER and Chicago Hope. Happy New Year, by the way!

Late December, 1999

I've added Gina Simon and Phillip Watters character bios to my Chicago Hope page and I've updated my season 6 episode guide for both Chicago Hope and ER. I've also updated my season 4 episode guide for Sisters, and I'm modifying the set-up of my character bios, so that each character will be accessed separatly.

Please click on the images or links below for my specific pages.

The X-Files Sisters

Chicago Hope ER
Port Charles

Mail me!
Other Stuff about me and my favorite linksUpdated June 12, 1999

October 15, 2004 I haven't updated anything here, but I have started an online journal, if you care to learn unimportant things about me...
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