Feeling Like a Shady Lady?

Guiding Light has been famed for be the longest running show in broadcasting history, but it's fame runs much deeper. The show began with a kindly reverend, and the name "The Guiding Light" had religious connotations. How it has changed! From the misled to the malicious, Guiding Light has provided generations of wicked and menacing villains, forever etched into soap opera history. How can you turn on the Light without seeing the dark side?
This page is dedicated to the villains of Guiding Light: Past, Present, and Future. What happened to these villains? What will happen to Springfield? It's all here - with a ratings system that determines which villain was truly, the most evil
So enter the Dark Side of the Light!
This page is dedicated to the wonderful GL fans I have spoken to on the internet. Without your vast knowledge and enthusiasm, this page wouldn't have been possible!
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