.... this web page was created for those of us who truly appreciate this wonderful actor
In addition to having completed his work in an independent movie entitled, "Dating Games," Mark is now appearing in the feature film, "The Siege," which stars Denzel Washington, Annette Bening and Bruce Willis. Mark portrays an FBI tactical squad leader.
Many "Jack Deveraux's" have come and gone on Days of our Lives. But only one "Jack" -- Mark's "Jack" -- will forever remain memorable to many of us. In this section of our web page, we pay tribute to this talented man. Click here to find out more about what made Mark's "Jack" so special.
March 20, 1998
We've gathered lots of articles and interviews about Mark and about Mark's "Jack", including a new article which talks about Mark's life after leaving DAYS. Click here to read these articles.
If you know of any other web sites devoted to Mark Valley or if you have anything you'd like to contribute, you can send an e-mail to: Mystic or Sandra
We would like to thank the following for providing us with graphics and pictures for our Home Page:
Please note that this page is not affiliated with either Mark Valley, NBC, Sony or the producers of Days of Our Lives.