Hardcore Nutball Xena Con pics.
These are a few photos of Hardcore Pubsters at the Xena Convention.
Santa Monica Xena Convention pictures added!
Santa Monica Convention star pictures!!
Santa Monica Pubsters
Burbank Convention star pictures!!!
Big Kat.
Yea I know it's not a great pic.
Gonzoxenaguy and Boobookitty
Big Kat, ScottBernard and CyberKathy.
Big Kat and ThunderRoad.
Gonzo and Boo, again!
Roo!!! Et al.
From left to right GBFuzz, Gonzo, Roo and Xenclair.
Pub group.
Front l-r ThunderRoad and BigKat.
Back l-r Gonzo, Abby, Mighty Might and Boobookitty.
Pub group.
I know it's not great. Front l-r AbbyRose, Onorasan and Gonzo
Back l-r Kieli, Pretendreamer, Proud Warrioress, Roo, Sithus and Tx Trouble
Pub group.
Front-CyberKathy. Back l-r Cathbad, ThunderRoad, Big Kat, Atalanta and Mighty Might.
Proud Warrioress, Pretendreamer and Sithus.
Mistopholees and DutchXenaFan.
Pub group.
Back of Xenclair's head, Kieli, AbbyRose and Petendreamer.
Pub Group.
Unknown, Proud Warrioress, Sithus, ScottBernard and GBFuzz.
Pretendreamer, BanCu in the background.
Proud Warrioress and Sithus.
Sithus and Pretendreamer.
Pub Group.
Left to right, BanCu, Roo, Crju, Kieli, Boobookitty and AbbyRose.
Sithus and Proud Warrioress.
Sithus, Proud Warrioress and Tx Trouble.
Sithus and Tx Trouble.
Tx Trouble giving Kieli a birthday wacking.
ViolaDiva and Atalanta.
New Pub group.
Thodin, TrueNorth, Roo, Proud Warrioress, BanCu, CoyoteBlue and Kieli
Renee O'Conner pictures.
Ted Raimi pictures.
One hot look by Hudson at the Detroit Con. Picture courtesy of Gonzo
Hudson and, Lucy? No, World Wide Deb.
E-mail me with questions.