Joseph's Ultimate Simpsons Website


Welcome! You are theto come since Dec. 8/97. I hope you enjoy as you go to many things involving the Simpsons! I'd like to apologize for not updating my site. I am terribly sorry. Now this site is updated so enjoy. Click one of the following.
A list of things Bart has written on the chalkboard (provided by All Simpsons Website)
A List of Crank calls Bart made to Moe's(provided by Alex's Simpsons Website)
A Breif Description Of the most beloved Cartoon Family, The Simpsons(also provided by Alex's Simpsons Website)
Awards this site has won
The Simpsons message board
Results of poll of the week
Mr. Smithers is gay
Why do you think Mr. Smithers is gay?

His Dad was gay
His mom was gay
Both his parents were gay
Mr. Burns wore a bathing sut in front of Mr. Smithers
He really isn't gay, just weird

Current Results

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