Links to other Wav Sites
The EARchives, a good sound source.
Michael's Home Turf, Lots of wav pages with all kinds of sounds.
TV Wavs, lots of cool TV show wavs found here.
SoundAmerica, the largest sound source I have seen.
The Daily WAV, a new sound every day.
The WAV Place, another great large wav source.
Links to my friends on the Web
My good buddy Skippy has a cool site with lots of neat images and links.
Go see the Jester, everything from the mundane to the bizarre.
Check out Oscar's home page, he's an interesting guy.
Go see Morgaine LeFey, she's a pretty cool gal!.
Links to other sites on the Web
If you don't have ICQ, go get it here!
Sarah McLachlan's website. She's fantastic!
Find out where your favorite celebrities are buried at Find a Grave.
The Food Channel's web page. They have some great recipes here.
Find the web pages of your favorite celebrities from here.
The New York Mets homepage. Let's Go Mets!
Feel free to email me with comments or wav requests at: