Sally McMillan's TV Hangout
Hi! In case anybody actually went to this site in the last few years, and wondered why the heck it hasn't been updated since 1999, I'll tell you. Actually, I made this website back in 1997, when you didn't make up your own password, but rather was given a password of gibberish that was extremely difficult to remember. I couldn't for the life of me remember the password, so this site couldn't get updated. So no, I'm not extremely lazy, just forgetful!:) Anyway, Geocities sent me an email that they were going to delete this site if I didn't update it. Only then did I remember the password.
Sally McMillan's TV Hangout is something of a timewarp; it is a compilation of everything I treasured in middle/early high school. I've decided to keep it this way. So, if you'd like to know what my life was like back then, feel free to check it out! So, without further adieu, please enjoy Sally McMillan's Timewarp!....err....I mean Hangout!
McMillan and Wife
Classic Comedy
The Dick Van Dyke Show
The Mary Tyler Moore Show
I Love Lucy
Laverne & Shirley
That Girl
Sanford and Son
Three's Company
I Dream of Jeannie
Wayne & Shuster
Modern bits
Early Edition
Touched By An Angel
SallyMcMillan's TV hangout has been in cyberspace since December 26, 1997. The counter no longer works, so please use your imagination as to how many visitors there have been. I'm guessing quite a few!