The Waltons Digest

Welcome to the home of The Waltons Mailing List. The first Waltons Digest was emailed to our very first few members, to coincide with the screening of A Waltons Easter, which first aired in USA on Easter Sunday, 1997. Since the first digest, our mailing list has grown enormously, and we now have over 350 people on the list. The mailing list is sent in digest form, once each month. It's a really friendly group with people of all ages involved so come and join us. We discuss all sorts of Waltons matters and it's a great way to keep up to date with all the latest gossip about this family. If you are interested in joining our group, just email me (Karen) at my email address. When you send your email, please put "Waltons List" in the subject space.

You can now delve into the archives of the Waltons Mailing List Digests. Just click on the links below. Remember there is no cost to you. All we ask is that you share your ideas and information.