September 1998
Welcome to The Novel Enterprise: a comprehensive
guide to Star Trek literature.
Have you ever wondered where your favorite novel
fits in the overall scheme of the Star Trek universe?
Do you love stories about time travel and want to
find more?
Would you like to know all the books written by a
particular author?
Maybe you've never read the novels, but might be
interested if you knew more about them?
Well, fellow Star Trek enthusiast, you've come
to the right place. This guide explores the world of Star Trek books. It
starts by organizing the adult novels and short stories into chronological
order (based around events from the television episodes and movies), and
then provides a brief synopsis for each title. It also notes "crossover"
titles, where characters from one series interact with characters from
another. The books have also been indexed by author, title, subject and
series. Direct links to the various sections are provided by the navigation
guide at the tops of the pages. The same links are also found at the bottom
of each page in a small text format. The contents of each section are detailed
The Series
Timeline establishes time periods for the novels based on significant
events from the television episodes and movies. Throughout the guide, the
references for these time periods are the series abbreviation and the letter
for the period: TNG A, VOY b, etc.
The Title Timeline
arranges the periods from the Series Timeline side by side, with each series
starting further along the line, (i.e., Deep Space Nine begins in year
six of Next Generation), then lists all the novels in their correct time
Each novel has been placed in its time period
in approximate chronological order, except for the Original Series period
B. Those titles are in alphabetical order.
If the events in a novel cover more than one
time period, and / or characters crossover with another series, the title
will have multiple entries reflecting each specific series and time period.
Crossover titles are linked with an orange line,
with the main storyline highlighted in blue.
The Title Timeline is expanded in the CHRONOLOGY
/ SYNOPSES pages to include author and publisher information,
and a synopsis for each title.
Click on a time period in either timeline to
go the corresponding CHRONOLOGY / SYNOPSES
The pages in this section expand the details
established in the timelines:
Each series has its own page, identified in the
navigation guide by the series abbreviation.
The novels are in chronological order, with the
exception of Kirk's five-year mission "period B". Those titles are arranged
in alphabetical order, with sequels noted immediately after the initial
title as well as alphabetically.
A brief synopsis is provided for each entry.
The titles in bold are highly recommended by the
author of this guide.
The chronologies also contain links noted as "see
also" and "crossover".
"see also" links:
Many titles in the chronologies cover multiple
time periods. (for example: a flashback will reveal an important event
in the history of a character). When this occurs, the synopsis for each
period reflects a different aspect of the story. These multiple time
entries are linked by "see also" references in a title's synopsis.
"crossover" links:
A number of titles also have characters from
one series appearing in another. These "crossovers" are noted below the
title/author information. As with the "see also" links, each synopsis for
a crossover reflects an aspect of the story specific to the series and
time period involved.
Short Stories
This section of the Chronology organizes the
Star Trek short stories by series and collection. The time period is noted
whenever possible, but for some stories it cannot be ascertained. (Those
which do have a time reference have also been entered in the main series
chronology pages). A brief synopsis is provided for each story.
This index lists all the novels alphabetically
by title (mixing the series together), with a link to each novel's entry
in the CHRONOLOGY section. To see the synopsis
for a title, click its link. The titles in bold are recommended.
basic chronology links:
To see the synopsis for a title, click the CHRONOLOGY
LINK on the left, which indicates the series and time period.
multiple chronology links:
A title with multiple listings in the chronology
has a link to each entry, with "crossover" links noted to the right
of the title.
For a title with multiple links, each synopsis
reflects a different aspect of the story.
multi-series collections:
short stories:
Short stories are indexed by the collection title.
If the collection is all about one series, such
as "Star Trek: the New
Voyages", individual story titles are not listed, but the synopses
but can be found by clicking the link for the collection.
If it is a multi-series collection like "Star
Trek: Strange New Worlds" the stories are listed for each series, with
a link to the Short Stories Chronology, and an individual story link to
the main chronologies (if the time period can be established).
This index lists all the Star Trek novels for
each author, with a link for each novel to the title index.
To see the synopsis for a title, click the purple
dot preceding the entry, then click the desired chronology link(s) in the
title index.
The subject index is divided into four categories,
which are defined below: characters, situations, aliens / political groups,
and special genres.
The subject guide page lists each of the categories
and their subjects.
Click any item in the table to go directly to the
list of related titles, or click a heading to go to the beginning of that
category page.
To see the synopsis for a title in any of the
category pages, click the purple dot preceding the entry, then click the
desired chronology link(s) in the title index.
subject category definitions:
This index presents the Star Trek novels in series
order, by date of publication and specific format. It also includes subject
headings for each title.
Click any category in the table at the beginning
of the page to see the related titles.
To see the synopsis for a title, click the purple
dot to the left, then click the desired chronology link in the title index.
To see more titles on a specific subject, click
the "SUBJECTS" link, then select the desired item from the subject index.
I hope you enjoy using this guide. If you're so
inclined, send me an e-mail and let me know what you think (see address
below). Also, please let me know if you discover a link going to the wrong
place. Thank you for visiting, and come back soon. I will be making updates
on a regular basis.
Ruth Stout
© 1998 by Ruth Stout
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LEGAL: This site is a non-profit venture.
It's sole purpose is to encourage the reading of Star Trek literature.
The author is not affiliated in any fashion with the bookselling or publishing
industry, and is not advocating purchasing the books from any particular
outlet, nor being remunerated by any book vendor. "Star Trek" is a registered
trademark of Paramount Pictures, a Viacom Company. No copyright infringement
is intended. Please do not sue.