The Joxerites of Internet are uniting on ICQ as easy way of instant communication between other Ted Raimi fans. ICQ empowers Joxerites with a means to chat whenever they like and enables them to share ideas, discuss similar interests or anything else. We encourage all Ted Raimi fans to get ICQ and provide us with their ICQ numbers. We will list the ICQ numbers of all fans below, allowing quick contact with fellow Joxerites for anyone who may visit this page. All Joxerites who have submitted themselves to this list are included below. To omit your name from the list please email Megalion. Thank you.
ICQ List Name: Joxerites on ICQ ICQ ListMaster: Megalion Number Of Users: 17 Last Updated On: 4/5/98
If you want to link to this page, feel free to use these banners!
Attention: Due to a hard drive crash, I lost a lot of people's applications to join the list (results from the sign-up form below). If you filled out between October, 97 and Mid March 98, I've lost it! I'm really sorry about the problem and would appreciate you resubmitting to join! -Megalion 4/2/98
To be added to this List: use the form at the bottom of this page. If you have trouble using forms, email
or ICQ Page the ListMaster
You can page any of these people by clicking on their UIN to get to their World Wide Web Pager. If they are online, they will receive your message instantly (or nearly so!)
You can now click on to add a person to your Contact List. When you push one for the first time, in Netscape, you will get a message saying that NS doesn't know what to do with that kind of application. Click on the "Pick App" button and then use the browse button to locate your icq.exe file. Select it and click ok. After that, anytime you click on the "Add" button the person will be added to your contact list!
Joxerites are listed by their nicknames in alphabetical order. You can use the letter navigation bar to move quickly down the page if you know the nickname of the person you are looking for!
At first Joxer was annoying to me, but then after the comic relief in Ten Little Warlords and his resistance of Gabrielle's attentions in Comedy of Eros though he loved her....ahh I can't help but like him now! Besides..Ted Raimi is a good actor, why else would Joxer be hated so much if Ted hadn't succeeded in making Joxer the annoying pest he was!
Are you guys members of the Ted Raimi International Fan Club? If
not, take a look at my homepage!
In the middle of nowhere. :-P Actually Cary, NC
Comedy of Eros
Joxer is...studly, funny, handsome, heroic, brave and a good friend
Skinner, Seaquest, Lunatics, Stuart Saves His Family, Patriot Games, Clear and Present Danger, Floundering, Born Yesterday, Elvis Presley, Hard Target, Finishing Touch, Candyman, Darkman, Shocker, Intruder, Crimewave, Evil Dead II, Army of Darkness, "It's Eddie Presley, not Elvis, and it's a movie. :) I have it"
on tape.
Join the List Now!!! with this handy-dandy member form! ;P
All fields marked with a * are required
You MUST fill out the UIN field. You will not be added to this list without it! If you do not have ICQ, I strongly recommend getting it because its a very nice and handy thing to have. And we'd love to have you join us!
If you have any questions about the list or problems submitting your info : Email
or Page the ListMaster
* ICQ is very user-friendly
* ICQ continually tells you which of your friends & colleagues are online
* ICQ gives you real-time chat with online friends and colleagues
*ICQ allows you to quickly send messages back and forth
* ICQ lets you easily send files to other people
ICQ is a revolutionary, user-friendly, Internet program that tells you who's online at all times. No longer will you search in vain for friends & associates on the Net. ICQ does the searching for you, alerting you when friends or colleague sign on. With ICQ, you can chat, send messages and files, play games or just hang out with your fellow 'netters while still surfing the net.