Ephiny/Danielle Cormack Fans
Ephiny/Danielle Cormack Fans on ICQ

The Ephiny/Danielle Cormack Fans on Internet are uniting on ICQ as easy way of instant communication between other Ephiny fans. ICQ empowers Ephiny/Danielle Cormack Fans with a means to chat whenever they like and enables them to share ideas, discuss similar interests or anything else. We encourage all of Ephiny's Amazons to get ICQ and provide us with their ICQ numbers. We will list the ICQ numbers of all Ephiny/Danielle Cormack Fans below, allowing quick contact with them for anyone who may visit this page. All Ephiny/Danielle Cormack Fans who have submitted themselves to this list are included below. To omit your name from the list please email Megalion. Thank you.

ICQ List Name: Ephiny/Danielle Cormack Fans on ICQ
ICQ ListMaster: Megalion
Number Of Users: 19
Last Updated On: 4/2/98

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Maintained by Megalion
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Attention: Due to a hard drive crash, I lost a lot of people's applications to join the list (results from the sign-up form below). If you filled out between December, 97 and Mid March 98, I've lost it! I'm really sorry about the problem and would appreciate you resubmitting to join! -Megalion 4/2/98

To be added to this List: use the form at the bottom of this page. If you have trouble using forms, email ephinylionness@geocities.com or ICQ Page the ListMaster

You can page any of these people by clicking on their UIN to get to their World Wide Web Pager. If they are online, they will receive your message instantly (or nearly so!) You don't need to have ICQ on your system in order to use the World Wide Web Pager.

You can now click on to add a person to your Contact List. When you push one for the first time, in Netscape, you will get a message saying that NS doesn't know what to do with that kind of application. Click on the "Pick App" button and then use the browse button to locate your icq.exe file. Select it and click ok. After that, anytime you click on the "Add" button the person will be added to your contact list! This does not work yet with ICQ98!!

Ephiny and Danielle fans are listed by their nicknames in alphabetical order. You can use the letter navigation bar to move quickly down the page if you know the nickname of the person you are looking for!


Ephiny/Danielle Cormack Fans on ICQ
Nickname Homepage
ICQ # (UIN) Remarks
Where am I?
Favorite Ephiny Episode
Have seen Danielle Cormack in...
Ephiny can kick...
BrendaEMT http://www.newwave.net/~brendab/xena.html

West Virginia
Necessary Evil

Ephiny can kick Velasca's butt
Callypso http://www.geocities.com/~callypso/
2688034 Winners are losers that tried one more time

Houston, TX
Quest, Is there a Doctor in the House?

Ephiny can kick Salmoneus's butt!
Cat none

Is There A Doctor In The House, Quest
Shortland Street
Ephiny can kick my butt
Chris http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Sands/8702/index.html
2161122 I da Pipe-o Pipe-o Man!!!!

Brantford, Ontario
All of em
Topless Women Talk About Their Lives, Last Tattoo
Ephiny can kick my butt
CyberFerret http://members.tripod.com/~Cyber_Ferret/cfxenapg
4602514 I am the 50% Biodegradable Ferret. And Just for the record...Ephiny could kick ANYONE"S butt!!

The Quest

Ephiny can kick Velasca's butt.
Falcon none
2707160 Been there, done that, got a tee shirt

San Antonio, TX
H & H

Ephiny can kick Salmoneus's butt
fvcvc none
2324353 the true amazon queen


Ephiny can kick Velasca's butt.
GHOST http://www.ozemail.com.au/~ghostly/xena.html
3181630 Imagine having a baby with hooves in your stomach! ouch!

Is There a Doctor in the House?

Ephiny can kick Iolaus's butt
Goddess 'Zelena' none
2528389 OOh I'm good,but when I'm bad I'm better-Aphrodite

Mt. Olympus
all of them

Ephiny can kick...Salmoneus's Butt
Hawknite http://www.geocities.com/area51/cavern/4115/
2857352 Hey... Its me.

All of them..

Ephiny can kick...Callisto's butt!
Laoch Dorcha none
729489 Amazons Unite!

every Goddess-blessed one!

Ephiny can kick Velasca's butt
Liss http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Corridor/5705/
4743868 Ephiny can be my Amazon Queen any day!

Melbourne, Australia
Is There A Doctor In The House?

Ephiny can kick my butt
Megalion http://www.ecst.csuchico.edu/~megalion
1483605 Xenites Unite!!!!

Member of the Xena Online Resources Team

Chico, CA
A Necessary Evil

Ephiny can kick my butt!
ouqtu none
3948981 Don't burn bridges, You never know when you'll have to cross the same one twice.

The Spirit World
A Necessary Evil
The Last Tattoo
Ephiny can kick my butt
Rory none
1021717 Please team up with Gabrielle and repay Xena the kindness she showed you in "Bitter Suite.

All of them
Have seen Danielle Cormack in: Last Tattoo, Topless Women Talk About Their Lives
Ephiny can kick Xena's butt
RoseWhite none
2052780 "la la la la"

when Gabby recive the rite of cast

Ephiny can kick Salmoneus's butt.
Salem http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Delphi/5196
3280702 CARPE DIEM!

all of them

Ephiny can kick Hera's butt!
Sollari http://members.aol.com/Sollari16/Jessi.html
10398239 One word- YUM!!!!!!

Apple Valley, CA
I love them all!!

Ephiny can kick my butt
Tahoma http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/2870/
1738936 I DO

Suffolk, England
Oh c'mon .. ALL of 'em of course !
Wish i had seen her in something else !
Ephiny can kick Iolaus's butt!

Join the List Now!!! with this handy-dandy new member form! ;P

All fields marked with a * are required
Nickname:* Your real name is not necessary
Email Address:* Not posted to the list
Homepage: optional
Where are you:
Favorite Ephiny Episode(s):
Other things I have seen Danielle Cormack in:

Internet Movie Database

Topless Women Talk About their Lives
The Last Tattoo
Seen her in something else not listed here?
Ephiny can kick butt!

If you have any questions about the list or problems submitting your info : Email or Page the ListMaster

This site belongs to Megalion. If you would like to join the Danielle Cormack Web Ring, please visit the homepage.
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