I'M BACK! I have finally gotten back online and can now add new stories to my page. Also, I am adding a form to make it easier for you to send stories to me. They will go to my e-mail and then I can post them on the page. I am going to archive the stories currently on this page. I'm pretty sure they have all been read dozens of times by now! I will put a link to the archive on the page though. I'm sorry you have all had to wait so long for new stories and I appreciate your loyalty.
I've created this page for those of us who enjoy writing and reading FanFic. FanFic is a story that uses the characters from a soap but follows an alternate storyline. It's a lot of fun to write FanFic because you can change your favorite storyline and make things happen the way you want them too. Or you can create your own storyline using your favorite characters.
I've separated the stories into two categories, those written by me and those written by other posters. If you enjoy writing FanFic and would like your story posted on this page just e-mail me.
I have been very busy and for a while I will only be able to update this page once or twice a week. If you send me a story and don't see it here, don't worry. I will get it posted by the weekend.
If you would like your e-mail address posted with your story so you can receive feedback personally just let me know.
Enjoy Your Reading!
Send me your story!
If you have questions or comments, you can email me at twpj@mis.net>.
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