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Click here for a list of the best Xena sites on the web.

Note: If you've been to my page before, you can see that I'm in the process of giving this page a major makeover. I've removed some of the files including fanfiction and artwork and will make new pages for this stuff as well. I've added music to most of the main pages though it takes a while to load on some of the pages. They sound pretty cool if you have a high quality sound card! Also, I know I have a lot of updating to do for the "Gods of Olympus" page. So much to do, so little time! :)




Questions, comments, complaints? Send me a message!

"Xena:Warrior Princess" and all the characters associated with
the show are the property of MCA, Universal, and Renaissance Pictures.
No infringement of any copyright is intended. Also, nothing at this
site is done for profit in any way.

And a huge thanks to the folks behind "Xena" for supporting internet

"Endless (Zz)" composed by  Van-Lam Nguyen

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