The Groundskeeper Willie Fan Page The Groundskeeper Willie Fan Page

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The Man-
Groundskeeper Willie was born sometime in the early 1950's in Glasgow Scotland. Willie is very proud of his Scottish roots and makes this known in various episodes. Willie has been groundskeeper for Springfield Elementry School for the past decade. However in many episodes it is suggested that Willie is also the janitor or custodian.

The Voice-
The voice of Willie is performed by Dan Castellaneta ,who also does the voice for Homer,Grandpa,Krusty,Barney,Sideshow Mel,and Mayor Quimby. Mr. Castellaneta orginally starred on the Tracey Ullmen Show were he created the voice of Homer on the show. The voice of Willie is very life-like of what a Scottish accent is. Being Scottish I know many actual Scottish people and the voice of Willie is very close to perfect.

A Wonderful Personality
Willie is an unique character in his own right. Many times I don't see a cartoon character but a real person. It is Willie's harshness and strong personality that makes us laugh. However his atttitude on life is not fictious.Many Scottish people are so similar it is unbelievable. Please understand this,Willie is based on real Scottish people,he is not just from the imagination of some animator,just to get a laugh. Willie may seen harsh,but is really soft at heart.It is Willie's pride that makes him so strong.

The Willie Show?
At this time there are no plans for a Groundskeeper Willie Show. So far no character on the Simpson's has branched off to their own show. At this time I don't think Willie has a good platform to leave the Simpsons. I don't think the writers built him up enough to develop his own thing. What would he do on the show,cook haggis for a half hour. Willie works best as a supporting character. This does not mean Willie could not work on his own,the writers simply have to introduce him better. As of yet Willie has only really been featured on one episode of the Simpsons(-Treehouse of Terror VI-Nightmare on Evergreen Terrance[3FO4])


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