For Fans of EastEnders
Based in Minnesota, but open to all.
We are now offering mouse pads the same design as the shirts and tote bags. The cost is $10 including shipping. If you are interested, and would like more information, please send an e-mail to: MNASFC@aol.com
PO Box 300048
Minneapolis, MN 55403
A photo of the design is at the bottom of this web page.
The next KTCA pledge drive is scheduled for Friday March 5, 1999. Our surprise guest didn't work out for this pledge drive, but we're now working on bringing someone over for the August pledge drive.
3/5/99 EastEnders episodes 1382-1385 9:00pm - Midnight on Channel 2
3/5/99 EastEnders episodes 1382-1384 7:00pm - 9:00pm on Channel 17
3/12/99 No EastEnders episodes on Channel 2.
3/12/99 EastEnders episode 1385 8:30pm on Channel 17
3/19/99 EastEnders episodes 1386-1387 11:50pm on Channel 2
3/19/99 EastEnders episodes 1386-1387 7:00pm on Channel 17

What is the Albert Square Fan Club?
When EastEnders debuted in the US in 1987, many of us immediately became hooked. Being as most viewers did not know anyone else who watched the show, Harry Tyldsley in San Francisco started up the original Albert Square Fan Club. (ASFC) With the help of many volunteers, Harry helped to unite and inform fans throughout the U.S.
In 1995, with only one weeks notice, EastEnders disappeared from the PBS schedule in the Minneapolis/St Paul area. The sponsor had dropped EastEnders, and it was decided that a more profitable program could be found for the time slot.
At this point, a group of dedicated fans in Minnesota, with Harry's help, formed the ASFC MN chapter. Led by Rita Hattouni, they spent untold hours establishing a good relationship with KTCA and building up a roster of people in the area. With much perseverance on their part, after a whole year, EastEnders was finally back on the air.
Burnt out from their successful never ending task, the original board members of the ASFC-MN took a back seat and new volunteers took over. It was also at this time that Harry started having volunteer burn-out as well as health problems. His ASFC was disbanded.
With fresh volunteers, the MN ASFC stepped up their efforts to keep the good relationship that had been formed with KTCA, the local PBS station. The MN was dropped from the name, and everyone was invited to join. The roster now stands at 850, and we continue to be one of the lead fundraisers during the pledge drives. We know that if the money doesn't continue, we could lose EastEnders again!
The cost of the club is $10 (April - April). For this $10, you will get at least 4 newsletters per year, KTCA MN pledge drive notification, access to the club library and several parties in the Mpls/St Paul area every year. We hope that you'll join our group!
Robin Fluin - President
PO Box 300048
Minneapolis, MN 55403
E-mail: MNASFC@aol.com
Welcome to the home page of the Albert Square Fan Club. You are number #
to visit since Dec 15, 1997
Tote bags and t-shirts are now available. Send an e-mail to mnasfc@aol.com for information.
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