This Page is Dedicated to the relationship of Sgts.Christopher Lorenzo and Rita Lee Lance
Chris and Rita were the best detectives to ever grace the screen . They were truly soulmates in every essence of the word . They would do anything for each other .Whether it was either coming over in the middle of the night to help the other get to sleep or facing the barrel of a gun in an effort to get the other out of danger .They are the picture of what is True Love .
Some of my favorite Chris and Rita eps include
Going To Babylon
Dirty Laundry
Soul Kiss
Internal Affair
Good Time Charlie
Social Call
The Party's over
Judas Kiss
Natural Selection 1&2
Into the Fire
Pulp Addiction
Kill Shot
Partners 1&2
Glory Days
Till Death Do us Part
The reason why all these eps are among favorites is because they each have lots of scenes in which we get to see the specialness of Chris & Rita's relationship . For five years Chris & Rita came onto our tv screens and into our lives . Creating a special place in our hearts for themselves Over those five years we watched them grow closer and closer to each other . We watched their relationship grow and strengthen . We watched them cometo depend on each other more and more . And we also watched the sexual tension between them mount . And finally in season five it exploded in a fury one passionate night after coming close to losing Rita to a bomb Chris confessed his true feelings to her . After that everything else that happened seemed like the natural thing to do . They got married and were even expecting their first child . Sounds like a fairy tale doesn't it ? Well this fairy tale doesn't end with the Prince and the Princess riding off happily ever after into the sunset . Nope it doesn't . Because Chris was killed protecting Rita and their unborn child . And after Chris' death the spark that made Rita , Rita died with him . She lost a piece of her heart and soul when she lost Chris . And staying in Palm Beach was too painful for her . The memories haunted her at every turn . And so Rita left and Palm Beach has never been the same without the Sams there . It wasn't fair to either of the characters what happened But there aint anything anyone can do about that now is there ? The Sams were special characters . They touched us as most other shows don't . They were irreplacable . Both on the show and in our hearts .
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Chris's Silk Stalkings Page
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Check out Lisa's page it's so kewl she's got lotsa C&R fanfic!!
Go here to read one of my poems .
Or go here to find out some stuff about the crazy person who is so attached to these 2 characters she cries all through the final eps .
Will soon be upgrading this page,this is just the start! Please write to me I'm an email junkie and I don't feel happy unless I get mail so please write I promise to write back Thanks a bunch Jodie.
© 1997 jodie@dawsonscreek.zzn.comt
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