Halliwell's Attic Presents
Charmed: The Next Generation
Episode 1:
   Shattered Dreams
Episode 2 TBA

Picture Gallery-
Coming soon

Family Tree-
Coming soon







Disclaimer: This is the temporary home of Halliwell's Attic: The Next Generation.. We'll let you know when the main site will be back up. Thanks Halliwell's Attic.

It's been twenty years since The Charmed Ones went into semi retirement. They lived a magic-lite life. Piper still had her restaurant and night club to look after and addition to that, Piper and Leo had another daughter named Lilly. Phoebe was still an advice columnist, while Coop had his couples counseling and also another daughter to boot, named Abby. Henry still worked as parole officer while helping Darryl on the police force, while Paige was a stay at home mother and occasionally a whitelighter. Prue and Andy were head elders now that their children, Laura, and Andy Jr. were enough to look after themselves.

Something happens to shatter that dreams of their normal existence. Will The Charmed legacy fall or rise to the occasion? Only time will tell! Check out the continuing saga Charmed: The Next Generation.

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