Lost Angles
Lost Angles
Lost Angles
Lost Angles
Lost Angles
Lost Angles
Lost Angles
Welcome to my island of insanity!
Hallooo! ^_^
I'm Hexadecimal, the Queen of Chaos! Moohahahaaah!
Why am I hanging from the ceiling, you ask?
Heh... Good question...
Okay then! So anyway...

You have somehow stumbled upon this demented, deranged, discontorted dimension I am proud to call home!

Feel free to look around, but watch out...
You never know what is lurking in the shadows...
And where would you like to go today?
Self-Guided Tour of The Lair
ReBoot Fanfics
Odd ReBoot Things I've Made
My Slightly Pathetic ReBoot Fan Art
Arrogance: The Shrine to Gary Oak!
Things That Just Don't Fit in Anywhere Else
About Me!
Email me, Hexadecimal!
Last semi-update ...er... does anyone really remember?? o.O;
Behold the Power of Cheese!
And the Quote of the Month for September:
"Don't try to understand me. Understood?"


Disclaimer: ReBoot and all its characters are property of Mainframe Entertainment, YTV, Alliance, BLT Productions, and... I think that's it. I do not work for any of these companies (although I do plan on working at Mainframe someday). So please don't sue me! ^_~