Hello, it's me, Saifur Rahman. Mr Daniel Williams helped me build this website
for me so that I can show you my interests in my own words rather than on Daniel's own
website. The writing you see on this website is written in my own words. I enjoy history
research a lot because it is interesting to find out what has happend in the world over the
past years. I especially am fond of Adolf Hitler. I dislike his actions but I admire his
strenth and some of his idears. Anyway Click on any of the links shown below!
Click Here for my introduction page
Here are some of my pages to my favourite people in History!
Click on each name to read about their history.
Augustus Caesar
Adolf Hitler
Alexander The Great
Constanstine The Great
Christopher Columbus
Nicolaus Copenicus
Charles Darwin
Albert Einstein
Michael Faraday
Galileo Galilei
Genghis Khan
Johann Guttenburg
George Washington
Issac Newton
Jesus Christ
John F Kennedy
Karl Marx
Antoine Laurent
Martin Luther
Mao Zedong
James Clerk Maxwell
Mikhail Gorbachev
Napoleon Bonapture
Louis Pasteur
St Paul
Edward De Vere (better known as William Shakesphere)
Ts'ai Lun
James Watt