
My great aunt always says, "I do not regret anything I have done in my life, only what I have not." This saying describes my adventurous personality. I will try anything once and I usually like it. All people tend to have at least one quality that makes up a huge part of who they are and for me that is my open-minded approach to new things and my constant quest for adventure.

I have always been adventurous in my eating habits. I have loved the taste of sushi for as long as I can remember. More recently, I have begun to try even more rare and interesting dishes, such as rattlesnake, skate, buffalo, and elk. I continue to search menus of all types of cuisine for a new meal.

As I mature, my thirst for adventure has increased rapidly. Three years ago, I began snowboarding. Now that I have begun to excel at that skill, I am again searching for new thrills. I am currently obsessed with roller coasters and other exciting amusement park rides, and I am constantly searching for bigger and better attractions.

I am becoming increasingly adventurous, and therefore I require activities that are even more exciting. My future goals for meeting these needs include bungee jumping and skydiving.

It is a guarantee that if there is a legal activity that gets your heart pumping and your adrenaline flowing, I would want to give it a shot. For some people, quiet activities make them happy. For others, it is spending time with friends and family members. For me, I need adventure.

My 11th Grade Portfolio:

  • Expos #1: Pre-course Reflection on Self as Writer
  • Expos #2: Personal Narrative
  • Expos #3: Biography/College Essay
  • Expos #4: Letter to Author
  • Expos #5: Book Review
  • Expos #6: Definition Essay
  • Expos #7: Argument Essay
  • Expos #8: Multi-genre Essay
  • Expos #9: Final Essay Exam
  • Expos #10: Two Additional Works
  • Expos #11: Post-Course Reflection

    My 10th Grade Portfolio:

  • Assignment #1: Mock Trial Portfolio
  • Assignment #2: Rules Essay
  • Assignment #3: Definition Essay
  • Assignment #4: Character Essay
  • Assignment #5: Catcher in the Rye Final Project
  • Assignment #6: Heart is a Lonely Hunter Task III Essay
  • Assignment #7: Portfolio Reflection

    My 9th Grade Portfolio:

  • Project #1: Review
  • Project #2: Love Scene Rewrite
  • Project #3: Romeo and Juliet News Story
  • Project #4: Romeo and Juliet Critical Lens
  • Project #5: Romeo and Juliet Final Project
  • Project #6: Speech

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