Ship explorer

 New World

Oceanside Pier

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Hello!  Welcome to Bill's New World, my new web page dedicated to, you guessed it, my new world here on the internet. 

About this web page:
Though this isn't my first page I've ever created (ha! ha! save your comments about that for the email box below), this is my initial attempt to make a web page with a couple of reasons in mind:

  1. To finally create a personal web page I've always said I'd make and,
  2. To satisfy requirements for the final project of the college class I'm taking:  Introduction to Internet/HTML.

So with this in mind, please feel free and take a tour of the pages here and enjoy!


Questions and/or comments may be sent to


This web page was created in Fall 2002 by William Bibaeff
using MS Front Page and HTML coding.