Ok now making a sandboard is pretty easy if you have at least some skill working with wood. I've made quite a lot of sandboards like as in hmmmmm 7 so I must know something about making them and this is the best way I've found. This project can cost less than 20 dollars if you have the tools etc but $50 will get you a good sandboard which is a fraction of the cost of a bought one.  First you will need a piece of plywood about 1.2 by 1 meter at least. Then you cut the board with a jig saw or bench saw into 3, 300 by 1200 mm  rectangular strips. MAKING SURE THE GRAIN GOES THE SHORT WAY (like as in side to side not from end to end). Now for the tricky part glue the 3 pieces together with PVA glue making sure the glue goes right to the edges (use your finger to spread the glue out (this is quite important actually)). Now before the glue dries put some blocks of the same size at either end of the board and clamp it to a table. You can use something very heavy instead. The picture is of how it should look when its drying. I know theres loads of bricks on it but I needed that much to get it to bend (it helps if you buy fairly bendy wood).

Once you've got it looking like this leave for a whole day. The next day come back and take it out of its clamps. It should have stayed in it shape but if it hasn't in shouldn't matter unless its gone down to a flat piece of wood again (if it has chuck it in water for a while and the glue will liquify and then have another shot). It should now look like this.

Again a very nice diagram but the picture is better.

Now you have to cut it into a shape you want. I prefer a bone sort of shape (like the one in the diagram) but the one in the picture is a pointy ended one which are OK I guess but I still reckon bone are better.

It should look something like this.

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