Nurse FitzGerald

Welcome to The CHeep And Orm Society otherwise known as The CHAOSociety. With this site we celebrate all that is Orm and Cheep based and some more stuff.


Since 1998 CHAOSociety have provided fun and frolics (I said frolics) for all ages. Unfortunately all we have seem to of ended up with is an unhealthy obsession of 1980's Childrens TV programmes, cheep cheap innuendo and a guestbook full of insults. Apart from this we also have some games, photos and stuff; don't worry nothing of real interest or value.

Also we have a new innuendo clipart gallery! So grip on to your joysticks, maximise your Explorer, empty your hard drive, and get out your 3.5 inch floppies and enjoy the world of connotation clip art...

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Keep a breast (of all the CHAOSociety news) with our NEWS section:

Date: 19/06/03 - Subject: Oh My God: An Update!

Time for an update, I mean it's only been a year! Well, just finished my degree - btw 1.5 ruddy marks off a first, I blame Cheep's inability to fly - now I've got the whole damn summer free before I start my Masters in Ormology so I wondered if I could add some stuff to the site but then I realised I have no idea what to fill it with. So has anyone any Cheep ideas? Also, my computer at home has topped itself by having a head crash and wiped all the priceless Orm and Cheep computer games - (c) Unoffical Orm and Cheep Enterprises 1997 - so Dave and Squee... you have at the moment you have the only copies so don't throw your 'puters out the window or eat the hard disk until I get a copy of you later in the summer. Must dash.

Date: 05/05/02 - Subject: Just an Update

Right, this is a message to Dave - look Geocities provides free website space to anyone who wants it. You don't have to steal my index page very time you want to be 'funny'. Bob Geocities will give you your own page. Why not invest your time into something more productive - like a relaunch of the Moira page. Porker page is still up and running, why not email a link to Andy and create some media interest?! Anyhoo, you can see Dave's last humour attempt here. He is building up quite a collection of hacked in pages - see below. Some people! Just read the Guy Hallifax interview I did and I have forgot just how funny that man is. I don't why I forgot he did write the genius that is Orm and Cheep. I particularly like his "notable" joke - tis very clever. Go read it again as I can't be bothered to anything creative at the moment - exams and sitting down commitments i'm afraid. I'll do some updates in a bit - who are these people on my guestbook also. Who is Betty? And why does she want so much butter?!

Date: 13/03/02 - Subject: Update Request

Oh hallo! Fancy seeing you here!?! Did you come from the Syllabub page? Turn back now while you still have time, stat! A certain person amongst you CHAOS members have been pestering me for some updates, this person shall remain nameless but I will tell you he is a fat, lazy, ginger, balding person called Ian who may or may not be male. Well... here's an update. I have no Orm and Cheep news at all - other than some videos are up for sale on Ebay so buy them if you want. They would for example make a good birthday presentfor a certain someone whose bday is on the 23rd of March (name no names). That's right its my ruddy birthday. Woohoo! I'll promise to buy you something of equal value: pint of bitter, big marker pen.

I'll do some more updates when I can be arsed, but in the meantime sign the guestbook and you can read the old entries to amuse yourselfs. Ooo..if anyone can find any other of the O&C crew's emails (other than Hallifax) I'll be very happy and may give a prize. Maybe. So go, find Dicky Briers email address. I almost forgot heres the Orm and Cheep theme tune for you to download. Go visit the Fingermouse site I stole it off, its only fair! Then buy some stuff from my shopping section. I'm too good to you lot.

Date: 25/05/01 - Subject: Diagnosis Murder

I was doing a bit of surfing on da net due to my boredom in this stuffy computer cluster and came across(a phrase more suitable then you would first think) this Diagnosis Murder story someone had written. Its very long but trust me it is a shocker and would NEVER be made...some twists at the very core of the series. It is very funny when you realise what it is actually talking aboot. Click here to read it. Some people are very weird and have far too much time on their hands, devoting their very existence to a tv programme then making a website aboot it. Some people! If you are after Orm and Cheep and Dave gossip then read below. Tatty bye.

Date: 25/05/01 - Subject: The Ongoing Dave Saga

The ongoing Dave saga has been ended and so is no longer ongoing. Over the last week I have been doing my exams so neglected the site and Davey Boy W has been hacking in again. You can see his latest and ohso ruddy funny unoffical homepage by clicking on the link. Please note Dave's contining misspelling of the word "receiving", is it done for ironic purposes like Anus Morrisette not understanding the meaning on irony in a song aboot irony. Or is it just a mistakeborn from stupidity just like Anus Morrisette not understanding the meaning on irony in a song aboot irony. The latter methinks.

Anyhoo after repeated attempts of trying find successful way of preventing Dave from hacking in I have come (control yourself) up with a perfect solution and that is to just give him my password to the site. Simple and he cannae hack in anymore. Woohoo! The site is still mine but anything that seems witless, purile and dull is probably added by Dave.

Date: 18/05/01 - Subject: Official Warning - My Arse

The web of deceit grows bigger. Today I looked at my e-mail and found a complaint from the "Geocities Management" giving a formal warning aboot the content of this site. I shocked for all of two seconds...then I actually read it. I smell a rat methinks and a cheep trick. Click on the link to read the email and for a full account of the deception.

Date: 14/05/01 - Subject: One Website Stolen (must of been slipped a sleeping pill)

Well...didn't Dave have fun stealing my website. Good job I got it back in time. However, still currently working on a way of preventing him from just doing it again. Hmmm... If you would like to see what Dave did then just follow this link. He just basically (okay) put his page as the first page you would see. Amusing, I am sure you will agree. Click on the link to see Dave's handywork.

Date: 25/04/01 - Subject: Shock Orm Relevations

Click the link to read the Exclusive Guy Hallifax Interview. We emailed the writer of Orm and Cheep and these are his replies. Read them, read them now. The biggest coup for the CHAOSociety so far! Woohoo! Read aboot how Orm is NOT actually a worm (I couldn't believe this) and the man who cancelled our beloved show. Its not everyday you get an email from a living legend like our friend Guy.

Date: 23/04/01 - Subject: It's Here!

I actually did it. The wonderful and third and best of the CHAOSociety computer games is online to download now! Do it, even if you have it already, give it to your friends (like herpes). You will need two disks and the ability to follow instructions to get it to work. It does feature actual Orm and Cheep sounds! Ka, got you now you foolsh bird! Go to the Shopping section to download it!

UPDATE: Just discovered its not working. Sorry. I'll get busy sorting it out. On a different note...anyone any ideas on what to do with the blue space to the left. E-mail me or write it the guestbook.

Date: 21/04/01 - Subject: Orm and Cheep World

Had a request via e-mail from a Mr Paul Scholes for a copy of the truly entertaining* Orm and Cheep World computer game to be placed on the site so peeps can download it. So I will work on getting it uploaded... (yeah right...and Cheeps might fly!) In the meantime, join our mailing list (its better than Syllabub's). Click on the man with the big pencil.

*it's not (copyright Patronising Guardian 1999)

Date: 19/04/01 - Subject: Finished

Finally done everything and the new site is being uploaded piece by piece (of eight). Woohoo! So let me tell you about what's new. There is the new and improved Orm and Cheep information section with all the usual crap and more. Also look out for the real (not drawn by me) screengrabs of the tv show itself, perfect for windows backgrounds methinks! A new Shopping exists where you can get official Unofficial Orm and Cheep Enterprises 1987 merchandise. There is loads of other new things aboot and I cannae be arsed to tell you aboot them so go find them yourself, you lazy bird.

Date: 16/04/01 - Subject: Renovation Updated

Finished doing some pages including the guestbook pages and stuff! Go read the old guestbook from our college days! Now added Orm and Cheep information for all those naive fools who know nothing aboot the wonder of CHAOS. It also contains the theme tune for you to download. I'm sure you are moist (nay wet) with anticipation.

Date: 14/04/01 - Subject: Site Renovation Proposed

I have decided, due to the fact I have finished Metal Gear Solid on the Playstation and cannot be arsed to revise, that a site renovation is in order. New sections will be added along side all the old favourites (i.e. Neighbours Hangman) including a "news" section... which I appear to be writing in now... so that's the first job done! I will keep ye informed.


The site provides 67 Minutes of Cartoon Fun


Copyright © 2001 Unofficial Orm and Cheep Enterprises 1987.
Please refer to the site disclaimer. All rights reserved and other legal terms.