Shane's Home Page
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Hey My names Shane and i live in Australia. Im putting this Web Page together because im bored and seemed like a good idea when i started.

    Im 18 and   live in Bundaberg, QLD and I don't live with my parents and like alot of people i know i don't have a job, I mean its not like i'm really lazy, i  have been looking but hey come on its Bundy its unemployment capital.

    I was born in Muswellbooke, NSW but i have lived in Bundy since 1992 so its what i call home. I have an older brother called Anthony, He's a Computer technician and he lives in  Brisbane. Thats pretty kool cos now i've always got a place to stay if i go to brissy for a piss up.
Hey thats me on the left, Its a bad photo so please don't laugh!!.....I was drunk!!!
Funny Pics
my info:
Friends Pic page
Friends Pic page 2
Shane Irwin
(No Relation to Steve!!!)
StEpHaNiE's PaGe!!
Hey People's
While ya here please sign my guestbook.
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