
Last Updated - 24/12/99

Welcome to the Lawndale Files, a site based on MTV's Daria.This site is under total reconstruction after viewing the html codes. so for the time been this site is going to be left to die in the cold while are labs at JLM clone a new, younger and better website!- JLM
Daria can be seen on MTV at 10pm Eastern/Pacific time, Friday and the ocasinal mini marthon is showing here and there. Info thanks to
Paperpusher's site.


Column 8 - Daria movie set to come out .

Sounds - Links to other sites with Daria related sounds.

Art Archives - Alter egos, captures and fan art. UPDATED!

Fan Fiction - Fic include MKH, Mitch and more to come. Right now the MKH fan fic is down due to LC shuting down but will soon be up again. UPDATED!

Chat Info - Where do all the big Daria fans go to chat?

Links - A page that keeps growing. UPDATED!

Webrings - Check out some other Daria sites

Message Board - My new message board that has only been visted by me but may be taken down soon.

Updates - Find what's been added and what's new.

Daria Goodies - Daria goods for your comp.

Thanks - To the people who have helped me over time.


This site is unoffical and all pictures,sounds and anything else is copyright of MTV. All material taken from this site can only be done if a link to my site is made unless stated for some other reason. Other material on this site which has been taken from another site will need permission of the webmaster.

Email: Trent_Lane@www.com

Created - 14/8/99