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This web-site is (c) 2008, The Walrus Was Crow Productions.

All Beatles images and logos are copyrighted Apple Corps, Ltd.


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"When I get home...."

(The only Beatles website with a micro-nee finger!!)
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Updated April, 2008!
Melvin!!! COME HERE!!
Welcome to one of the finest Beatles sites in the world, THE WALRUS WAS CROW! Our new feature article is one I've gotten many requests to actually finish, and after all these years, it's done! I present the complete Beatles on Capitol Records, 1964-1982. If you've ever been interested in what all the hubub was about these classic albums, now's time to find out...unless you got the box sets...
Speaking of the U.S. L.P.s, ever hear of Dr. Ebbett? If you have, then you, no doubt, are a Beatleg fan. And if you have put two and two together by now, you'll know
Beatles Bootleg Reviews must now feature an all new review of the good Doctors wares! (and you'd be right!)
Don't forget to also check out the articles we've become..emm..err...famous for, like, the complete
History of Paul McCartneys Hofner Basses, NOW featuring an all-new photo section! You can also  peruse the goings-on during "The Help Recording Sessions". And while yer at it, e-mail us! Enjoy it, and remember...the Walrus Was Crow!
The Walrus Was Crow supports children with Spina Bifida!
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"That's Not Right!"- Christian
(c) 2008, The Walrus Was Crow Productions