UPDATED! January 16, 2006

What's New?
Hi and Welcome to my He-man and She-ra page. Thanks for visiting!

I apologize to everyone about the lack of updates over the last several years or so. Real life has been very busy. The release of the He-man episodes to DVD has brought me back here again after so long a time. I'm going to work on updating a few of the pages and I've finally given the site a much needed new message board! Please consider joining.

I have decided to merge my two favorite cartoons of all time into one web site. For now the content of the the page is mainly She-ra but each time I update more He-man will be added. Please check back often for updates. And as always please sign my guestbook and let me know what you think of my site!


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This page is © Corrie McDermott, August 1999-2006. All characters of He-man & She-ra belong to Mattel, Filmation Associates and Hallmark (1983-present)respectively. There is no copyright infringment intended here. Any drawings are © the artists that drew them.