The Pretender place by Lidi
with new name :)
with new wallpapers :)
with new fan fictions :)

Great idea, isn't it? :)

Hi, hi, hi! Welcome to this Pretender site.

I'm sure you'll like it (coz I do (bg) ). I changed it a bit. So if you move your mouse over some pics (including left one) - you'll see some cool things :) But I should continue. So as we all know there are PRETENDERS among us. Of course they're genuises, cuties and though some of them may be cruel (as Mr Lyle) - pretenders still our faves. They do whatever they want to, pretend to be whoever they wish to, but still unhappy. On the other hand they make us feel, well, maybe if not completely happy (only sometimes) but pleased :) Pretenders try to keep their lives in secret. But now you're the only one who knows that there's place where you can get all top secret info about THEM, such as:

Latest news on The Pretender!

Latest news

Enter to find out the latest news about The Pretender (official news, gossips, rumors, upcoming events, shooting of The Pretender 2001 movie and much more :) )
01/01/01 I added screencaps from the Pretender movie trailer.

Pictures of your favourite characters

Nice wallpapers

38 new wallpapers of Miss Parker, Jarod and the cast (including Pretender 2001 movie pics). Get the Pretender on your desktop!

But you can catch his image gallery!:)

Jarod's pictures gallery. Click on the picture and enjoy!

Jarod is always watching... Look back, Miss Parker!

Pics of incredible Miss Parker.

Jarod and Miss Parker together - nothing to change, right? :))

Pics of Jarod and Miss Parker... TOGETHER!

Really bad guy!

The cutest villain's gallery

Sydney and Britney - sounds lovely!

Sydney, Broots, Angelo, Kyle, Mr. Parker, Brigitte, Raines (why not? (g) ) and some others...

Secret thoughts

Secret thoughts

Do you really know Jarod and Miss Parker? What do you know about secret thoughts of your favourtie character? Can you tell what he or she really feels? How often while listening to some song you were like "Wow, I bet that would describe Miss Parker or Jarod's emotions and feelings so prefect!" Pretty often song lyrics are used in fan fictions. That's why I decided to create a page with different songs which can fit to The Pretender and it's characters. If you have such song - please send it to me (Lidi). I'll choose best ones and post them on that page. Please tell me why do you thing this lyrics would fit to a character/show/a scene/etc, it'd be really useful for me :) I want to thank Cascade for sending me first song's lyrics and inspiring me to make that page :)

Pretender's forum

Message board

There used to be a message board. Now we have a forum page - new and improved. I hope you'll like it! New place to discuss anything about The Pretender. Come in and talk! :) (I think Pretender movie 2001 is pretty nice theme for discussion )

Fan's page

Fun's page

My favourite place :)
It was created especially for you - Pretender's fans. You'll love that page, I promise :)) "What would you say if you meet Jarod of Miss Parker?", Who's your fave villain?" "What's the most unexpected storyline?", "What's your fave quote?"

Fan fictions
updated 7th of October 2001

Fun's page

Do you want to see Miss Paker and Jarod together? Can you imagine Lyle saving his sis's life? Do you want to feel the smell of burning Centre? You'll find all that in fan fictions!



More than 60 sound files! You'll like it :) Woman - "Are you a doctor?" Jarod - "I am today"; Miss Parker - "Do you want me to hurt you?"; Jarod - "What do you want Lyle?" Lyle - "Isnt' it obvious? I want everything!" and many more ...



Pretender and Madonna? If you want to see that surprise just click on the Madonna's pic! (i'm going to add something to that page in the nearest future :) )

Pretender mailing list


Latest news about The Pretender, pictures, fanfics - at the Pretender mailing list. It's really firendly list with nice people on it. Click on the picture and join us! :)

You're lovely visitor number :)

If you have any comments or suggestions - email me. Feel free to tell me what do you think about this site :)

I've changed my guestbook once again (the previous one didn't work :) ) - I hope you'll like it :)

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Pretender , all pics, any stuff are not mine. They belong to NBC and some other persons. Actually I don't know what I should write here:) I just want to say that I got all stuff either from friends or different sites.